Chapter 7

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Chapter 7
August 2018


"You sure you don't want me to go get him?" Wally asks me as I get my phone and bag to go pick up Mikey from the airport.

His flight gets in at 8 this morning and I told him I'd be the one to pick him up since he was coming right to my house to sleep.

"Yes I'm sure. You spend some more time with Yasmine. You don't get to see her a lot anyway. I'll be fine. Just an hour ride tops." I pay his arm as I walk to the garage.

"Alright. I'll get some breakfast going then. I'll see you soon." Wally sighs in defeat as he opens my door for me.

"No pork. You know I'm giving up pork." I remind him.

"I know. You wanna get rid of the swine." He teases me before helping me into the car and walking back into the house.

I drive across the river to pick up Mikey. Instead of waiting in the loading and unloading zone or driving around, I use short term parking and wait for him there. When he lets me know he's got his bags, I leave the parking garage and find him at the loading zone.

"Do not get out of that car. Just pop the trunk," Mikey snaps when I open my door to help him. I just suck my teeth before closing my door and waiting for him. "Hey Luce."

I let him kiss my cheek. "Hey Mikey. How was the flight?" I ask as I pull off.

"It was fine. I'm ready to eat though." He smirks at me.

"Imma beat yo ass," I reach over to hit him. "You got me in trouble with Wally for saying that shit out loud. He almost called my momma which woulda got out to my entire family and then your family. I don't need the extra shit right now, Michael."

"I'm sorry, Lucy. I didn't know he was in hearing distance. You said you home alone. I'm super sorry." Mikey gives me his puppy dog eyes that I could never resist.

I roll my eyes but can't hide my smile. "I hate when you do that."

"You love it just as much as when I smile or laugh. Or when I would send pictures of my tongue out." He says before sticking his tongue out.

"You have a short tongue! It's cute!" I try to defend myself and we laugh.

I can feel his eyes on me. "How's the baby? You feeling okay?"

"He's fine. He's sleep right now. It's way too early for him. He's gonna be the opposite of Lola that's for sure. He's a late riser and she's a morning person. She had me up every morning at the crack of dawn when she was inside," I rub my stomach affectionally with one hand. "He keeps me up late and in bed late."

"He seems to be growing fine. A little on the small side, huh?" Mikey asks while reaching over to rub my stomach.

"Oh yeah. Way smaller than Bunny that's for sure," I nod then pause. I hate to bring this up. "How's Breanna and the baby doing?"

Michael sighs. Back in June he told Luke and me that a girl from his hometown of Newark, New Jersey was pregnant. She's due in December.

"She's good. She says she's sick all day though. She can hardly keep anything down for long besides liquids. The doctor is putting her on new medication. She's making five months next week. We'll find out the gender then. She said she's hoping for a little girl. I wouldn't mind a girl either." Mickey tells me.

"That's great. Tell her she can talk to me if she has any questions on pregnancies. And she can have all of Lola's old clothes if it's a girl," I look over at him at a red light. "Unless you don't want First Family hand-me-downs."

He rolls his eyes and becomes sarcastic as i go when the light turns green. "Oh yeah. She's gonna say no to— Lucy! Watch out!"

Just as I look to my left, a truck slams into my car and we spin in circles for what feels like hours. The airbags deploy, hitting me in the chest and stomach. I hear more than see Mikey's head hit the dashboard.

God help us.

When the car stops, my heart increases in pace. I can't feel my legs and Mikey isn't moving. "Mikey? Michael! Are you okay?" I shake him until he responds. His body jerks when he comes to.

"Lucy?" He looks around then wipes his head when he feels the build trickle down his face. "Oh God. Are you okay?"

He looks me over and moves to reach for me but stops. "I'll call an ambulance. Can you move?" He is able to reach his phone as people get out of cars to crowd ours and the truck that's rammed itself into my side of the car.

"No. I can't move. I don't know. Maybe I can. I don't want to move. I'm scared," I cry. "Father God, please. You promised me more pain but I can't go through this again."

"It's okay, Lucy. We're gonna get out of here. You're both gonna be okay," Mikey says after hanging up with the police. He tries to force his door open. A few bystanders try to get his door open. "Don't worry. I'm gonna get you out of here."

I shake my head as I continue to pray. "Don't leave me in here. Please don't. Even if you can get out. Please don't leave me, Michael," Tears run down my face as I weakly reach for my stomach. "I can't be in here alone."

"I'm not going anywhere," Mikey says as we hear sirens. "I'll call Wally and Luke."

He calls my fiancé and cousin as police cars and ambulance surround the area. When they try to help Michael, he yells at them to help me. I should be the obvious choice since I'm pregnant and all. They're able to get the man out of his truck and the truck away from my door. They use the jaws of life to get my door off it's hinges and me out of the car.

"Miss Tresvant, are you hurt? Is the baby okay? Can you feel the baby?" The Black EMT lady asks as she and a man get me onto a gurney.

"I'm fine. The baby hasn't moved. He wasn't moving before the accident— sleep or something. There's a lot of blood. Am I okay? Is Michael okay?" I answer her questions and ask a few of my own.

"He's fine, ma'am. But we're worried about you. He's worried about you," the lady says. "I'm Daja, okay? We'll get you to Ochsner as fast as we can."

"But where's Michael?" I ask as I'm wheeled into the back of the ambulance.

"I'm right here!" Mikey jumps into the ambulance before the man has a chance to close it. The second EMT gets into the driver's seat and races to hospital. "Is she going to be okay?"

"Once I find the source of blood, I'll be able to tell you." Daja says before asking for my important health information. Blood type, allergies, and more. Michael answers all of them with no problem as I continue to pray.

"You will be fine, Miss Tresvant. The blood is from your legs. It jumped out with the force of the crash. The baby seems fine but the ER doctors will be able to tell you more." Daja says.

"T-that's great. Just great." Mikey says with some trouble. His words are heavy and slurred as if he's tired or drunk.

"Mikey? You okay?" I ask. He doesn't respond. I look over my stomach to see him slumped with his head dropping. "Help him!"

"Max! Pick it up! Patient two is out!" Daja yells and the man, Max, drives faster.

"Mikey! Wake up! Please, God, help us," I cry as my breathing gets quicker and heart races. "I can't breathe. I can't breathe."

"Miss Tresvant, calm down. He'll be o—"

I didn't hear the rest of Daja's statement because I passed out.

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