Chapter 11

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Chapter 11
August 2018


I bite my lip as I struggle to sit up in the lavish hotel room. I don't want to wake Luke who is experiencing horrible jet leg after our 18-hour flight from New Orleans to Johannesburg, South Africa. It's his first time visiting South Africa while it's my fifth time. This jet leg doesn't bother me anymore.

But it's also hard to move right now because of the pain in my upper thighs and lower back. It's only been two full days since the car accident and I know I haven't given my body the time to heal. But I promised myself, my group, and my fans I'd do this last show before going on a serious break. I can't break that promise.

I finally make it out of the bed and to the bathroom without waking Luke. When I close the bathroom door, I call Mikey who's in the room next door.

"Luce? What's wrong?" Mikey answers the phone.

"I don't want to wake, Luke, but I need something. Anything to stop the pain." I cry softly.

"Where does it hurt? What's wrong?" Mikey's voice is as scared as I knew it would be.

"My back hurts so bad. But I can't tell Luke. Mikey, he'll make me sit out. I can't do that but I'm in so much pain." I cry.

It's quiet for a minute. "Okay. Leave Luke a message or something saying that we went to get something to eat. He's jet-legged so he'll be out for some time. Lola's with the nanny. I'll take you to the nearest hospital." Mikey says.

"Thank you, Mikey." I hang up the phone. I slowly make my way out of the bathroom to grab my things. As I'm opening the room door, Luke stirs.

"LuLu? Where you going, Mama?" Luke asks in his sexy sleepy voice.

"To get something to eat with Michael. I'll be back. We'll bring you something. Go back to sleep, Daddy." I try to hide the pain as I walk over to him and kiss his forehead. He nods before turning over and going back to sleep.

I have to bite my lip to keep from screaming with the pain. I make my way out of the room just as Mikey is leaving his.

"Come on," He rushes over to pick me up and carry me to the elevator. Once we're on the first floor, he goes through the back door to the fleet of cars we rented for this week-long stay. We're lucky that it's so late and everyone is sleep or this would look horrible. "Do you remember where the nearest hospital is?"

"What the fuck do I look like? A map? Ask Siri, jackass." I snap as I pull out my phone and ask Siri for directions to the nearest hospital.

Mikey doesn't say anything as he drives. In a unknown city. In a foreign country. For me. I sigh as I grab his hand.

"I know I can be an asshole sometimes but you know I love you, right, Michael?" I say as he helps me out of the car.

"Yeah I know. And I love you, too, Luce. I always will," he says as he carefully picks me up and walks to the ER doors. "And you're not an asshole— you're a mean ass bitch."

I don't get a chance to give a good comeback because the ER nurses and doctors crowd us.

"Are you her husband?" The doctor asks as I'm wheeled to a room.

Mikey looks at me and I nod softly. "Yes. Yes, I am." Mikey nods. The doctor nods before continuing his questioning with me. Mikey is handed a clipboard by a nurse and asked to fill out the paper with my information.

It's seriously a good thing we know basically everything about each other from our almost ten-year friendship. Without Mikey here I wouldn't be able to get any of this done.

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