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"Lucy" I flung my head to the side to see the pinkette I knew and loved. There was something different about him however, he looked so defeated instead of excited. 

"Natsu your finally free" I smiled at the boy before running towards him. I crushed my body onto his and gave him a tight hug. I missed him so much and I thought we could finally be together. It took me a few moments to realize he wasn't hugging me back. His arms slumped to the floor and face looked straight ahead.

"Natsu whats wrong?" I pulled away confused. 

"Why don't you tell me" He scoffed still refusing to look at me. His eyes rolled and his lips formed into a frown. 

"What" I blurted out, he needed to explain what was going on and now.

"I spoke to Levy" He began and I already knew where this conversation was going. 

"Natsu I..." I attempted interrupting him. 

"The fact that you would even consider what Zeref said about me, the fact that you refused to see me" His voice raised and his arms moved around as he spoke. 

"Why are you even here now!" He yelled at me finally looking me dead in the eyes. His usually friendly and loving onyx eyes were filled with betrayal and frustration. I needed to explain to him what happened but I was at a loss for words.

Nothing but silence followed after his yell, I looked at him with complete horror and fear, I never wanted to see Natsu so angry, let alone at me. 

"Thats what I though, Lucy just leave" He turned away refusing to make eye contact once again.

"Natsu wait, let me explain" I began hoping to find the words but once again they were gone. It was like my mind floated out of my body and flew away. 

"I never want to see you again" He spat, his bitter words pierced my heart and I knew I would break down. It only took a couple seconds for the tears to flow down my face. I looked to him seeing a tear fall down his cheek too. I knew this hurt him just as much as it hurt me. 

Walking away my heart sunk to the ground for a moment. Until I realized I could fix this, I didn't abandon him and I never would. Of course I considered what his brother said, and I didn't know if it was real or not but regardless I'd love Natsu with all this good and bad. 

The only way to win him back was to prove to him I love him and to show him my feelings. Picking up my phone I called the one person who could help me.

"Erza I need some help" I spoke into the device awaiting the red heads reply.

"Lucy I never thought I would hear your voice again" Her voice was steady and curious. I could tell that Natsu had spoken with the rest of the group and they all lost trust in me.

"Listen Erza, this whole Zeref thing has been a massive misunderstanding" I explained hoping she would hear me out. 

"I hope so, I've never seen Natsu like this" Erza sighed. 

"Listen I have a plan but I can't pull it off without you, I mean you still own that swimming appliance store right"

"Lucy you should know by now, I own nearly every shop you pass by" I could just picture her shaking her head in disappointment.

"Well I might need to pay it a visit" 

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