Chapter 14 - My Hearts Telling Me

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Zeref was crazy, he must've been. There was no way Natsu was the evil person he pinned him out to be. My feelings were all over the place, half of me believed Natsu was who he seemed, he cared about everyone, he was humorous and extremely sexy. However contrasting my beliefs Zeref's words stung like a bee. What if I didn't know Natsu? I had these doubts not long ago but Natsu assured me I did and I believed him. Was I wrong too?

"Lucy dear?" I was snapped out of my thoughts by the familiar voice of my father. I should've thought this through.

"Where have you been?" He rushed towards me and wrapped his arms around me. I hugged him back of course but my mind was not completely present.

"It was that vile man Natsu, he took you again didn't he" My father was quick to throw accusations around. I needed a story and I needed it fast but nothing was coming to my head.

"I need some time alone in my room if you don't mind" I spoke unsteadily. I hoped my father would let me be, after all he believed I was kidnapped. 

"Of course sweetie" He lead me to my room. I was grateful that my father wasn't pushy or that he had too much work to care.

As soon as he shut the door I scrambled through my room to find my phone, I had been away from it for weeks now. Unlocking it I was met with multiple notifications including a lot of missed calls. Scrolling through my contacts I found Levy and prayed she would answer. 

Holding the phone to my ear I breathed nervously.




"Lu thank God your ok" Levy's voice relieved me of some of the stress.

"Levy you need to listen carefully" I began and I could picture her nodding along in the silence.

"Zeref took me to my house, he said I shouldn't go back to Natsu" I explained the situation quickly knowing our time would most likely be limited. It was only a matter of time before someone realized either I was on the phone or that she was.

"Don't listen to him, get back here" She basically ordered me.

"Levy, he said some things about Natsu and I'm not sure if I should believe them he said...." 

"Lucy don't tell me" Levy cut me off by surprise.

"I don't care what Zeref said about Natsu and neither should you, he is a manipulative man" Levy fed me with her wise words. However I stayed silent allowing myself to think. My head was so unsure of everything, I needed a direct feeling that wasn't confusion.

"Lucy stop thinking with your head, what does your heart say" As if reading my mind Levy spoke.

"My hearts telling me..." I thought about and then stopped thinking. The moment I switched my brain off my heart felt pain. The same sorrow that I experienced when Natsu first left me. The hole in it ached and screamed for his presence. 

"My hearts telling me that being apart from Natsu will kill me" I spat out. I could feel Levy smiling through the phone.

"Then go get back to your man" 

Hanging up the phone I hoped off my bed and began to open the window as silently as possible. If I knew one thing for sure, it was that I love Natsu and his evil brother would not stop me.

"Not so fast Lucy" My door was slammed open and 2 unfamiliar men entered along with my father.

"Dad" I whispered.

"I knew you weren't kidnapped, everyone knows the Heartfillia's are horrible liars" He sternly spoke.

"You will not be leaving here to go back to your criminal boyfriend" He raised his voice this time before he stomped over and snatched my phone right out of my hand. I realized he had heard my call with Levy. I should've suspected he would eavesdrop. 

"Dad you don't understand" I tried to explain hoping I could negotiate with him.

My negotiating skills would never be put in use after he spoke "I definitely understand, and you will not be aloud anywhere without these men with you" 

I looked up the two men, I realized they were body guards. My newly found body guards. 

Any chance I had of seeing Natsu again was washed down the drain. 

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