Prologue: Paradise

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A woman with a few faint, gray wires flowing down her scalp sat on an old rocking chair. A worn out book was in her hands, and she lazily leafed through it as the sound of a young girl laughing outside echoed in her cottage.

"Vulcan, please come out! I'm tired!" The girl shouted, causing a smile to form on the woman's lips.

Across from her, a young boy in a simple shirt and shorts lay sprawled across the couch. He yawned loudly, hoping that would give the girl a hint as to where he was. Unfortunately, it didn't seem to work.

"I want to hide now. Can you come out?!"

The woman leaned towards her son, whispering to him with a slight scold, "Stop teasing your sister and tell her where you are."

Vulcan rolled his eyes, and his mother could've sworn he sneered, though she wasn't too sure. Her son was born with a severe facial disfigurement. She couldn't tell if he was sad, angry, or even happy. It didn't help that Vulcan had no lips, and his teeth were forever exposed. His mother didn't mind, however, and she thought it made him look like he was grinning all the time.

"Fine," Vulcan grimaced, turning towards the entrance the second a beautiful, small child bounced inside. She was hopping right after a bright, blue butterfly, giggling as she attempted to capture it.

Vulcan snapped his fingers, snickering to himself as the butterfly vanished and his sister finally laid eyes on him.

"There you are."

"You're really bad at this game, Nova."

Both of them were interrupted by an exasperated sigh. They simultaneously turned towards their mother, watching as she rested the book she was reading on her lap. On her face, a stiff, annoyed expression had taken over. Vulcan knew what was about to be discussed.

"Now before you get upset, Farrah-."

"First off, I'm your mother. Stop calling me by my name. Secondly, remember what we discussed about using your powers?"

Nova's lower lip began to quiver as she supported herself on a nearby chair. She turned to her brother, watching as his attention wandered from his mother towards a nearby window. He usually did this when he was being yelled at, though she didn't know why.

"I understand," Vulcan broke his mother off halfway through her lecture, casually focusing back on her again.

Farrah swallowed uncomfortably as she stared deep into her son's large eyes. They were a familiar blue- gentle, innocent, and warm, yet she knew his eyes did not reflect his soul. Most of the time, he seemed indifferent to everything and everyone-maybe even a little angry.

"I've told you so many times and you say the same thing."

"I understand why you don't like me using the powers I got from father." Vulcan spoke, tracing the arm rest of his chair with a pale, bony finger. "You miss him. But I miss him too. And so does Nova."

Farrah brought a trembling hand up to her mouth, trying to block out the unwanted memories of her lover, Isen, dying in her arms.

The visions of the past grew worse now that she looked upon Vulcan and knew he had inherited traits from his father. Nova, on the other hand, was more like her. She looked like a normal child- no powers, no strange behavior...

"You're right," the older woman muttered, trying to smile despite the heaviness settling upon her, "Seeing you use your gifts reminds me too much of him. Now stop and lets all go to the kitchen to make some sandwiches."

Nova jumped up and down, clapping her hands together, "I want peanut butter and jelly!"

Vulcan stayed where he was, watching as his mother and sister wandered towards the kitchen. He looked down at the armrest of his chair, noticing he had accidentally cut into the fabric with his nails. He would have stayed put had it not been for the familiar presence of a well known being lurking outside the cottage.

He stood up cautiously, slithering past the entrance to the kitchen and towards an open window on the other side of the dwelling. He poked his head out, sniffing the air to catch the scent he had picked up inside.

"You've grown a lot since I've last seen you." A heavy voice coming from the roof caused Vulcan to jump in surprise. He arched his head back, laying eyes on a large creature peering down at him with glowing, blue eyes. Its metal jaw dropped opened as Vulcan reached his arms out towards the creature.

"It's only been a few days, Uncle Algol."

Algol scooped the child into his arms, messing with the mop of dark hair on Vulcan's head. "Where's your mother and sister?"

The boy sighed, scratching the tip of his nose as he shrugged with indifference, "They're busy."

The creature nodded to himself, looking out towards the miles and miles of grass that littered the universe he had created for Farrah. He knew it wasn't much, but it was best for her to be safe in a world he had crafted himself. After all, he vowed he would keep Isen's woman and children out of harm's way.


"What is it?"

"Since we're alone, can you tell me more about father now?"

Algol sighed, descending onto the ground below them as he gently placed Vulcan on the floor. "I've told you everything about him-."

"How did he die?"

Algol went quiet, exhaling as distress began to eat away at him again. He couldn't tell Vulcan that Isen was killed by humans back when Earth was still inhabited by man. He couldn't tell the poor boy, at least not yet. Perhaps, when the time was right.

"Fine," Vulcan gritted his teeth together, "Don't tell me then. I'll find out sooner or later." He rolled up his small sleeves, as if ready to throw a few punches. Instead, he crossed his arms over his chest and nodded to himself, "Since you won't tell me anything, uncle, I want something in return."

"What do you want?"

"Food, games, anything like that. Whenever I want."

Algol hadn't even given a response when Vulcan whirled around on his heels and made his way back into the cottage through the front door. He left the extraterrestrial being outside with the words at the tip of his tongue. Algol snorted, muttering under his breath as he followed after the boy.

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