"Al, thanks for telling the words I wanted to say for quite a while now. You had the courage to say it, and I know that takes lots of courage. More courage than I'll ever have, but thanks for saying the words right out of mouth. Now cheer up! We're all here for you now, okay." Italy said, as he smiled. Al had such a sad past, and he knows that there is more than this, more than those 7 pages in that little book. He knows. Al may be young, but he's been though a hell of a lot more than what these measly seven pages can tell. He knows that. Even though, he's way older, and has experienced a lot of shit in his lifetime, Al had a lot to lose, more than him, even though he lost quite a lot of people in his life. He's doing much better than, what he used to be like. He was once like Al too. Lost and broken, just like Al. But, slowly, but steadily, he learned that it was okay to be weak sometimes, that it was okay to lean on people. People would soon find out, as his behavior wasn't normal, and they him helped heal. He was good at playing a facade, but he was still a bit a bad. He could fool normal people and strangers, but to his friends that wouldn't work on them. He had people to lean on. But, Al was a different story, he learned not to lean anyone, anyone could disappear on him, anyone could betray him. He learned that the hard way. And no one came along to show that he was wrong, like Ludwig, and Kiku. America was too good at the game, abnormally good. It's helpful in many situations, but no one would notice his pain. No one. Even, he found it hard, the only reason he knew there was something wrong, was that Al was part of the club. The club where those can share their burdens and feelings. Although, Al never did himself. He was an abyss. And endless abyss. No matter how deep you dive there will always be more, and more. More suffering and pain, that he hid. More painful experiences and memories. Al will always be an enigma. He's too good at burying secrets, and hiding skeletons in the closets. Too damn good. He sometimes wish he was this damn good. He saw Im Yong with tears streaming down his face and down his chin, dripping on the red carpeted floor. Im Yong's face was blank, then suddenly twisted in realization and sadness, as if he finally processed what they all said, his face was painful to look at, it reminded him of when he realized someone died, that they were now gone now.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry. Kiku, I'm sorry. I didn't know you felt that way. I'm sorry for causing your turmoil and pain. I was too blinded by anger, to realize that you regretted it too. I'm really stupid aren't I? I'm always too blinded to see anything. Always. I can never realize anything at all. Someone always has to go outright say it or help me figure it out. I'm pathetic aren't I? I can't even figure that you hated yourself for the Massacre, I don't even know how I survived as a country. Why can't I be useful? Why? Why? Why am I so useless. I'm sorry for being a failure everyone. I'm sorry Kiku, Alfred, everyone. Sorry." South Korea apologized. He felt so weak and useless. Why was he even here? Why couldn't he be smart like the others?

"Don't you ever say that, baka! You wouldn't be here if you weren't smart." Japan argued.

"But-" South Korea tried to say.

"No! You're smart and it's okay to be angry, trust me everyone gets angry. It's okay to make mistakes, we all do. As long as you try to fix your mistake, it's okay. Im Yong, I love you, you're my brother. We all did bad things, we all hurt people, we were all ignorant, so you're not alone, okay. Don't say that you're useless. You're far from that, if you weren't there all those other times, I don't know what I would've done. You kept me stable, when I was toppling, so thank you. You aren't weak, remember that time I invaded you? You kicked me out, and you made that turtle ship, that takes smarts and strength, so remember you aren't weak or dumb, remember, okay? So remember you aren't weak, useless, or stupid in anyway, shape or form." Kiku spoke proudly, and loudly. Everyone was nodding their head, in agreement, especially the Asian family, and Alfred.

"Really? You guys don't hate me? I thought you all hate me, because I was so annoying?" South Korea asked. Everyone would shun him all the time for annoying, the 'adults'. He felt like he didn't belong anywhere.

"Yeah of course, dude! There's no one like you! You are special okay! Now cheer up!" America cheerfully shouted. No one seemed to scold him. He was almost so used to it, that he expected it.

"Thanks you guys." South Korea thanked everyone, as he wiped his tears on his long sleeves. He felt arms envelop him, he looked up, seeing Wang hug him. Wang's tear drip down on his shoulders. Wang didn't know what to say anymore. Time seemed to stop. Soon, everyone sat back in their seats.

"Who wants to read?" Hungary asked. She realized how burdened everyone here really was. Alfred wasn't the only one. She now realized that. It took a bit to realize it, but now she did.

"I'll read." Taiwan said. Her usual smile was now missing. Replaced with a sad look on her face. Everyone in the room had the same exact look.

"It has been recorded that many outbreaks of yellow fever from 1668 to 1853 occurred in the US. The first outbreak started in New York. America was still a young child living in England's house alone. England  was away on a business trip, so America was left to deal with the outbreak by himself. That's why Canada would sneak over to England's house to help America deal with the yellow fever." Taiwan read aloud, with happy tears on her face.

"Thanks man!" America cheerfully said. He was grinning from ear to ear. Mattie helped him during the outbreak, and it meant a lot to him. He remembered vividly New York laying in bed, his eyes were yellow, vomiting every once in awhile. He shook his head, trying to shake off the memory. He watched as Taiwan quickly read over the next entry or fact. He saw her eyes widen. He saw her open her mouth trying to read, but no words would come out. He heard her clear her throat.

"Sweden is America's father. Alfred cannot prove it and is afraid to ask. It would mean that Sweden abandoned his pregnant mother. Now he can only watch and wonder in a constant state of question, why?" Taiwan read her voice barely audible.

America's eyes widen, without thinking, he jumped over the table and ran out the door. He ran and ran, like there was no tomorrow.
Cliffhanger once more! Sorry for the late crappy chapter! Like the reveal? Any questions please ask! It's almost 12am so gtg sleep! Enjoy the chapter! Author-san out! ❤️✌︎EDIT: The chapter will be late! And I'm extremely sorry about that! Time hasn't been my friend! Sorry! I'm not dead or anything don't worry!

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