Caring for Shu

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3 days later

It was 11:30AM and Valt was already up and wide awake. Usually it was Shu that was first to get up, and he'd get up around 8:30AM. Valt peaked in his bedroom door, seeing that Shu was still asleep. The blunette walked into the room and over to his sleeping partner, sitting next to him on the edge of the bed.


Valt began waking him gently.

"Shu, you over slept. Shu."


Shu groaned, not wanting to get up, which threw Valt off. Usually, he was up and ready to go for a run. Not today apparently.

"Shu, what's wrong?"

Valt asked, worry in his voice.

"I don't feel good. My throat is sore and my sinuses are fucked up."

The smaller blader put his hand to Shu's forehead, seeing if he had a fever.

"Let me get the thermometer, babe."

As Valt went to get the thermometer, Shu began sneezing and coughing, making his throat hurt even more. Valt came back with the thermometer, giving it to Shu as he turned it on and put it under his tongue and waited for it to start beeping. Once it did, Valt took it out of his mouth and read '101.2' on the tiny screen.

"101.2, babe. You've got a fever."

"Ugh, must be why it feels hot as hell in here."

Shu said, kicking the covers off of him. He remained in his white tank top and a pair of red plaid pajama pants that he loved.

"I'm gonna go fix you a glass of ice water, babe. Are you hungry?"

Shu shook his head no as he laid he arm across his face.

"Okay, just rest. I'll be back."

The small blader assured him. He got back with a glass of ice water and a tiny cub of MucinexDM medicine, which tasted terrible. Shu saw it and was not happy a out it, but he knew he had to take it. He took the small cup from his boyfriend and chugged it, trying not to taste it, but failed.

"Augh! Eww!"

Shu let out as Valt laughed at his albino boy's reaction.

"Aww, it tastes like shit!"

Shu complained.

"Usually it's the stuff that tastes bad that helps."

Valt laughed.


A few hours had passed and Shu couldn't stop coughing. Valt left their bedroom door open so he could hear if Shu needed anything while he was in the living room. All he could hear was his boyfriend coughing his lungs up and him saying "ow" every other time. Valt started thinking and was hoping the sick blader didn't have bronchitis. He went to their room to see if he was okay, and saw that he was laying flat on his back- which wasn't good to do with any lung or coughing issue.

"Shu, do you wanna come lay on the chase in the living room? You need to be propped up on more pillows. Your coughing sounds terrible."

Valt asked as he ran his hand through the albino's white hair. Shu nodded in response to Valt's question and began to stand up and grab his stuff to take to the living room. Once Valt helped Shu set up his spot on the couch, he went to pour Shu some more medicine to take again. Shu groaned when Valt handed him the small cup.

"Babe, just take it."

Valt told him. Shu chugged the medicine again like last time, but was still able to taste it.


Shu said, giving the cup back.

"Why are you acting like a child today, and I'm acting like the adult? Feels like we're in another world!"

The blunette laughed as he took the medicine cup to the sink, washing it out. What Valt said seemed accurate. It did seem like he was the mature one today, and Shu was acting the way Valt would.


The next day, Shu's cough and chest pain was getting worse. The poor boy was almost in tears, breaking Valt's heart to see. Shu laid on the couch propped up on three pillows, coughing hard enough to make his head hurt. His worried partner sat next to him as he rubbed his shoulder. Shu spoke when he was finally able to breathe for a minute.

"Valty.. I may have to go to an urgent care or something... This shit hurts.."

"Baby, I'll take you if you want me to. Just say the word and I will."

Valt assured him. The boys got ready to go and were out the door, heading to the car. Shu was weak but he was still able to walk fine and get around, which sent a wave of relief over Valt.


They got done at the doctor's office and had diagnosed the Spryzen blader with bronchitis. It didn't surprise either one of the star bladers one bit. The two headed to the drug store to drop off two prescriptions for Shu. The doctor prescribed him a type of steroid antibiotic that would get rid of his bronchitis, and an inhaler for when Shu was coughing real bad. The medicines were ready 15 minutes later and the two picked them up at the drive thru window, heading home right after. Once Shu and Valt walked in the door, Shu got out the medicine that he was given and started reading the instructions and side effects- hot flashes, increase in appetite, drowsiness, etc. Shu began coughing again as he tried to open the box of medicine, but the white haired boy couldn't grip the box from being shaky, which was usually a sign that he had a fever again. Valt saw the taller boy struggling and helped him out.

"Shu... My poor, sick baby."

The blunette spoke as he took the box from Shu and handing him his inhaler.

"Do you know how to use it?"

Valt asked. Shu nodded and slowly set the inhaler down on the kitchen counter. Valt watched the boy as he held his head down and brought a hand up, putting his palm on his forehead.


Valt began to question Shu, but the taller blader began to stumble backwards, being caught by his boyfriend.

"Shu?! Babe, are you okay?"

Ooooooh... Shu gon die? He gon die. Kidding I wouldn't do that.

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