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Shu and Valt walked through their apartment door, Valt dropping his bag and plopping down on the floor dramatically. Shu wasn't expecting him to do that.

"Uhh... You good, Valty?"

Shu asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm just happy to be home. I missed our own bed."

Shu let out a small laugh, agreeing with Valt.

"Come on, help me unpack."

Shu told Valt. Valt just let out a groan, making Shu grab him by his wrists and drag him across the floor.

"Ow! Shu, what the hell!?"

"You're coming to help me!"

Shu demanded. He let go of Valt's wrists half way to the bedroom and got him to get up and grab his bag to take to the room.


They got everything unpacked, and as soon as they did, there was a knock on the door. Shu groaned as he got up to open the door. He opened it to see Fubuki, a younger boy that looked up to Shu as a blader. The way Aiger looked up to Valt as one. The difference was, Fubuki also had a romantic crush on Shu. Even knowing he's with Valt and that he was too young for Shu anyway.


Shu muttered, surprised that the blonde was here.

"Hey, Shu! I've been wondering when you were gonna be home from Wakiya's."

The younger red eyed boy said as he walked inside the apartment.

"Yeah, we literally just got done unpacking."


Fubuki questioned, not seeing Valt on the couch.


Valt shouted out as he turned around, waving his hand. Fubuki turned to see the blunette, not very happy about it.

"Shouldn't you be at home, Valt?"

Fubuki asked.

"I am home. I've been living with Shu."

"What, did you just beg Shu to let you stay with him?"

Fubuki asked, attitude in his voice. Shu and Valt could easily tell he wasn't happy, and Valt was well aware of Fubuki's crush on Shu.

"Fubuki, I offered for Valt to come live with me. Is there a reason why you're here?"

The older red eyed boy asked the younger one, wanting to get back to relaxing with Valt.

"I just wanted to see if you wanted to have a battle with me."

"Look, I'd usually love to, but we just got back from Wakiya's cabin and we're really tired, Fubuki. Maybe some other time, cool?"

Fubuki looked down at the ground with sad eyes and Valt turned around and noticed. He knew Fubuki was just trying to guilt trip Shu into a battle, and he only wanted to battle because he liked Shu and tried pretty hard to be alone with him, which Valt didn't appreciate. The blunette got up and walked over to Fubuki.

"Stop trying to guilt trip Shu, Fubuki!"

Valt started. Shu didn't want Valt to be harsh with him, but it was too late to stop Valt now.

"Look, I know you just wanna try to have Shu to yourself, Fubuki! For one, he's mine, and two, you're too young for him! He doesn't like you that way. He respects you as a blader and only sees you as a friend, Fubuki. So please, stop pulling shit like this."

Fubuki was taken by surprise at the sudden change in Valt's attitude and the way he was talking. Shu grabbed Valt's shoulder as he tried to get the boy to calm down as he spoke.

"Valt, calm do-"

Shu was cut off by Valt jerking away from Shu's touch and giving him an evil glare.

"I'm not Valt. It's Obake."

'Valt' said. Shu understood what was going on now. Obake had fronted when Fubuki began pulling the guilt tripping act. Shu got in between Obake and Fubuki, gently pushing Obake back and away from the younger boy.

"Chill out, Obake! You don't have to be so harsh with Fubuki. Valt would've been a lot calmer."

Shu told him.

"Well, I'm so fucking sorry that I'm not your little Valty! Forgive me for not being perfect like him!"

Obake said in disappointment to Shu. Shu rolled his eyes as he led Fubuki to the door, asking him to leave.

"Alright, Obake. What was that about?"

Shu asked the alter as he shut the door behind him.

"I helped you! Valt would've never had the balls to yell at an annoying kid like that, so I did it instead."

"It didn't have to be handled so harshly, Obake."

Shu said, really not wanting to argue with this alter.

"Fine, call Fubuki back in here and tell him you wanna fuck him!"

Shu rolled his eyes, and stomped off to his and Valt's room, slamming the door shut.


The albino boy yelled in frustration. He just wanted to relax with his boyfriend, maybe nap with him or something, but without knowing, Fubuki had to show up and Obake fronted. Shu pulled down the bed sheets and climbed into bed, deciding to nap alone.

"Maybe when I wake up, my Valt will be back."

Shu muttered to himself.


Obake was walking around the apartment, seeing what he could mess with. He started in the kitchen and saw his favorite 'toy' to play with. Knives. He grabbed one out of the wooden knife block, the blade being somewhat roundish. Obake had a smirk appear on his face as he took the knife to the bathroom, locking the door behind him. Once Obake took his clothes off, he stepped in the tub and began cutting his arms up. He dragged the knife across his arm, drawing a crimson line.


The cuts were deep and were all over his body. Arms, legs, chest, even cut up some of his back the best he could. His arms were the most ruined, and were bleeding the most. Obake turned on the shower, putting it on scolding hot. He set the knife down and checked the water, seeing if it was hot yet. Feeling that it was, Obake stood directly under the steaming water. He hissed in pain as he let the water hit all the cuts he just made, starting with his arms. The stinging and burning on his skin made him hiss, but he knew he wouldn't be the one to have to deal with it later, Valt would. He let the water run on his chest, actually taking some of the breath out of him, so he turned his back to the scolding water instead. Once he was done fucking around, he got out of the tub and made sure there wasn't any blood left in the tub. Seeing that there wasn't, Obake looked in the mirror and saw how red the body was.

Shit is getting edgeyyyy
You're a shitty protector Obake

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