His Return

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*Two months later*

The cancer had started to take it's toll on Valt already. He couldn't stop vomiting blood, digesting blood, got indigestion, etc. Shu was able to get him to eat more than he usually did, and Valt felt full, even after eating just a few bites of anything. Him and Shu were happy about having a more visible baby bump though now, and they could actually see where the baby was kicking when it did. They also got the gender of the baby and they were having a girl.


Valt was laying in bed, trying to take a nap in the afternoon. Shu was in the living room helping Nero get his stuff together for school. Afterwards, the albino went to peak in their bedroom door quietly to check on Valt. He saw that the blunette was still asleep, but he had his hand over his head and clutched it a little every few seconds. He saw the younger boy was clenching his jaw, concerning him. He came in the bedroom, shutting the door quietly behind him. Once Shu was about to sit on the bed, Valt jolted up, breathing heavily with his eyes widened.


Shu breathed out in worry.

"What happened? Did you have a nightmare or something?"

He asked as he sat on the bed. He noticed Valt was looking down at his body in disgust.

"God damn, Shu. You just let the brat eat his damn depression away?"

"W-what? You-You know you're pregnant, Valty.."

Shu stuttered.

"Aww, that's cute. You think I'm your little Valty."

The blunette said as he got out of the bed, instantly feeling dizzy.

"Augh... Why am I so dizzy?"

"You're Obake!"

Shu blurted out. The blunette turned the albino slowly, giving him a glare.

"No, shit. What was your first clue?"

"Valt is pregnant and has cancer. That's why you're dizzy."

Shu was very worried now. None of Valt's alters had fronted in a very long time, and when his DID becomes active again, Obake is the first one to front. There was no telling what that maniac would do to their body.

"You hurt that baby at all or do anything that could potentially hurt her, I'm gonna lose it..."

Shu threatened Obake as he clenched his jaw and furrowed his eyebrows.

"Calm down, Snow Head. I wouldn't harm an unborn child. Especially not one that I was carrying."

Obake said, rubbing his stomach.

"Why are you even here?"

"I don't know, I didn't plan on fronting. I was pushed to the front so, here I am."

The alter explained.

"When will Valt be back?"

"That's all you're worried about, huh, Snow Head? Why not care about some of the alters a little bit? Not me, but the others."

"Valt's DID hadn't been active until now. I will never give a damn about you. If I meet any of the others and they're nice, of course I'll respect them. Like Zorro."

Shu yelled to Obake. He wanted Obake gone and Valt back, or at least another alter if he couldn't have Valt right now. He just didn't trust Obake at all.


All Obake did was sleep the rest of the evening and Shu laid next to him to make sure he wouldn't do anything stupid to harm his and Valt's baby. Soon, he was awake and Shu had fallen asleep next to him not long before he woke up. The blunette was happy seeing Shu lay next to him.

Alright, this is short af but I haven't uploaded anything in like, 2 months. Meanwhile, I'm re watching BBB rn so it's making me wanna write a bit.

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