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I opened my eyes to only close them again. The sunlight was making my head pound. Sitting up slowly I put my hand to my head trying to stop the pain. After about five minutes the pounding slowly subsided. Finally being able to open my eyes to only see I was not by the pound. Nor where Roxy and Verena any where to be seen. A ball of fear settled in my stomach. that light from the rock what was it? And where are Roxy and Verena. I could feel no injuries or any more pains. However I was happy to see I had all my weapons. Venturing out of the wood I was in. I was faced with what I would call a dirt road. More of a path really but I could see no one on it. Looking both ways I spot a huge cloud of smoke. Walking toward it I notice broken wooden fences and some people running toward me. It looked to be mostly women and children. Dressed as If they were part of the festival. A small sliver of hope began to gleam inside of me. Maybe its all apart of the Festival. Although I was thinking and hoping it was. I some how knew it wasn't. Getting closer to the smoke only had my eyes widening in horror. Blood and gore was rapidly taking over the landscape and the smell of burning hair and I assumed flesh had turned the air rancid. Making me gag with the smell. My hope was squashed in a instant. What ever that light was sent me some where that was a nightmare. I blood curdling scream echoed shattering my thoughts on the horror around me. Without thinking I began to run toward the scream. I skid around the corner to see Roxy and Verena standing in front of a little girl who held a baby. Relief filled me for a brief second before I realized that a man stood in front of them sword in hand. I grabbed my bow and aimed at the man. Letting a arrow fly and bury itself into the mans arm. Ignoring the bile threatening to come up. I began running toward my friends. Who were frantically looking around trying to see who shot the arrow. "ROXY VERENA GRAB THE KIDS AND RUN!" I shouted at them. Roxy looked almost black with all the soot on her face while Verena looked very pale. I could see Verena snatch the baby from the girl as Roxy picked her up. The man who I could see was wearing a kilt stood clutching his arm. My arrow still lodged into it. I held back from throwing up at the sight.I shot some one with my bow. But if I hadn't what would he have done to my friends and that little girl. As I got closer the man looked beyond angry. His face red with rage he began to yell at us. "YE WENCH." My eyes widened as the man snapped the arrow shaft in half. He stood to his full height then leaving me speechless. "THINK YE A MAN." I felt a massive pain in my jaw and blood filled my mouth. I spat it out and glared at the man. He took a step back in surprise. This man was huge but I have seen bigger and have been on the reciveing end of stronger punches. "Your a spit fire.I like a little fight in my women." My glare hardened at the man. "Verena Roxy get out of here. Take the kids and go." I could see my friends hesitate. They didn't want to leave me alone but they didn't want to keep the little girl and baby here. "Go Ill be right behind you." Finally Verena pulled Roxy and they ran the opposite way the villagers did. The man laughed as he watched them run. "Women have no business in men affairs." I snorted and laughed myself. "What man all I see is a coward." I almost regreted my words as the man turned on me. The evil glint in his eye sending shivers down my spine. He charged at me and went to throw another punch that I doged. He was nothing but brute force. He had strength behind him. While I had agility and speed. I also had mixed martial arts. Thanks to my father who thought it a good idea to get me lessons. I smirked at the man as he charged again. Using his momentum against him i kicked him in the chest. Knocking the breath out of him. He dropped enough to were I could knee him in the face. as he fell back his face already bruising and blood pouring from his nose. I bent over him and smiled. "Remember this day you pig. I might be a women but I kicked your ass." Hearing horses and people calling out I hurriedly turned and ran after my friends. It didn't take long to catch up to them. They had came to a stop at what looked like a shack. Verena threw herself at me sobbing as she hugged me. "My god Sorcha I thought you were dead. We woke up in the village while it was being attacked." Roxy came up then and squashed Verena between us. "at least we are all safe."I smiled and nodded wincing a little as a bit of pain shot through my jaw. I pulled back and looked around. "Do you guys know where we are at?" Verena and Roxy looked at each other then back at me. "We are not sure but the little girl told us it is 1730."  Roxy whispered. My breath felt like it was sucked right out of me. 1730 That's impossible how did we get here. My eyes widened as I thought about the rock. That light...But how would a simple rock send us threw time. Its impossible but there is no other explanation. A rumbling sound pulled me out of my thoughts. Looking around for the source I see the little girl whose face was red. Her dress dirty and  ripped and she was covered in soot from the fire. She had to of been no more than eight years old. She had the baby perched on her hip. I could see her struggling to hold him. I kneeled down in front of her and smiled. "What's your name

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