accidental hybrid: chapter 42

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i heard olympus cough infront me. "ok go on then" i said to him. tyson sat beside me on the sofa but he said"hold on, amiee i think you should lie back most of this is going to become a shock to you" tyson said. i did but i hadnt expected tyson to pull me back so that i was lying against his chest. his arm rapped around my shoulders and hang his arm loosley over my breasts.

i was grateful he had allowed me to lean against him. the lack of clothes i was wearing had made me cold and heat radiated from his body. i hadnt botherd to get dressed because the clothes i had been wearing were still coverd in blood and they stank. i would have to go home for some more.

i nodded to olympus when i was ready to listen and olympus took me back in to the past, many many years ago.

(below olympus speaking )

"vampires and angels have never liked each other. the reason for, i dont know why. but i have heard stories though but many have just said they were stories. non fiction and just to make this whole war more exciting.

vampires were the first to step among the humans but they constantly fed one the humans, causing the human population to decrease dramatically. god watched over the humans, making sure the balance of life and death was right. but it wasnt. he needed men to stop the vampires feeding on the humans to much. so he sent angels down to earth, to breed. and thats how we came along"

olympus took a breath before he continued.

"we fought against the vampires and won. we didnt kill them off , we just made sure that they only fed on humans when they are acctually hungry. to make sure they cept that promise, a contract was made and every vampire created would have to sign it otherwise they would be condemed to death if they didnt. ever since then, the vampires and angels have never been friends because the vampires have said they fell like dogs that have been put on a lead"

(end of olympus speaking)

"ok so i get that but whats this all got to do with me?" i asked olympus. " in the last few months the vampires and angels have both had problems with breeding. for a vampire all they would have to do is inject venom into a human and they would change. but they havnt. the human just dies. but then both sides heard about you. you amiee have a very very rare blood type and for some reason your blood accepts the change of becoming a vampire and now we have learned, an angel your blood will help breed both sides again. by giving your blood to a vampire it would help there venom change a human" he finally said.

"but what about angels?" i asked. "the womens eggs wouldnt combine with the mans sperm and i mean all the women wouldnt fertilize" olympus said. even though olympus had told me everything, i still didnt feel satisfied. i looked down at the floor thinking.

"we've never had a hybrid before, your the very first so thats why we dont know much about you and neither do the vampires......but all i can tell you, and i know this, is that your stronger than both species, i did some research last night, into other sightings and information in the past about hybrids but like i said, you are the very first hybrid but these hybrids excisted before humans did so therefore we clast you as the very first. each of these hybrids were stronger than the two species that they were, i dont know why and i'm sure you are stronger than us to" olympus said to me.

"but why do you make this sound so bad for me?" i asked him.olympus got up and paced around the room before he spoke."vampires are powerful but not very bright, the vampire who has been chasing you just wants to kill you and bottle your blood so his race can live on and we die out, us on the other hand believe that because your both species, you could create a whole new race. therfore you may be able to bring vampires and angels at pieace with each other. and to show them we arnt as bad as they hink and the same for them to us." olympus said.

great. i'm going to be the creater of a whole new war. because i doubted that the vampires wanted a new race of a mixed breed. they wanted to be there own monster.


Accidental hybrid: vampire/angel (BK1) (OLD VERSION)Where stories live. Discover now