accidental hybrid: chapter 100

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tha air and hardened and gone cold. the moon loomed over me in the darkening sky above me as i made my way back to the open house. thats what i had decided to call it, the open house. it made me feel more like i was going to some summer party late at night rather than some prison cell.

my wings felt heavy on my back. probally to lack of use. it seemed the less i thought about them the quicker they felt heavy when i didnt fly. the last time i flew had only been a couple of days ago but it felt more like months ago.  but there was no pint in flying any more because i was not even a mile away from the open house so there was no point of flying anymore. i had even slowed down that much it didnt even look like i was walking. i know there was no getting away from it but i might as well take my time, i had ages left. i decided to look at the time just in case. i took out my phone and looked to see what time it was. it was almost midnight ! shit. i only had about 5 minutes left ! and i still hadnt reached the open house yet !

but i was to late. as i ran, i saw everything fade like some sort of mirage. and i was left in darkness. i wasnt falling but i couldnt see the outline of the floor or the outline of a ceiling of a room. nothing.

i opened my mouth to shout but no sound came out. i tried again. nothing. what was happening. i started to walk but after i took two steps, i banged into something hard. i raised my hand and began to slowly move it forward. my hand hit something invisible but i could feel it was there. i raised both of my hands this time and began banging on the invisible wall. even though noise should vibrate through whatever i was hitting, no sound came from that either. but i kept banging.

after a couple more bangs of my fists, something on the otherside of the wall began to appear. i was in the cell but only it wasnt me, it was my reflection and she was talking to jamie. so that must mean i was inside the mirror still. but why hadnt i come out? " help me !" i shouted. finally ! i could speak. but jamie and my reflection made no signs that they heard me. " hey , i shouldnt be in here ! hello !" i shouted. i began to get iraitated at there ignorance. " its ok" said danika as she appeared. i jumped back. " hey, you scared me!" i shouted. " sorry" she said. " so why carnt i get out yet?" i asked.

" because jamie's in there, for you to both change places, you have to go in there and only hell knows how jamie is going to react!" she shouted. " so what am i supposed to do now?" i asked. " hope jamie leaves within the next 3 hours" she said. i stopped short. " why?" i said deeply. danika sighed and turned away from me. " danika answer me, why do i have to hope jamie leaves within the next three hours?" i asked angrily. she turned her head a little bit and then said " because if he dosnt leave and you dont get out you'll be stuck in here forever and everything that happens in the future will be here choice and not yours even though you wouldnt make that choice" danika said. " huuuuh" i breathed. i began shaking my head. " no ! that carnt happen, what about my baby ! and tyson !" i yelled. the baby ! i pulled up my shirt and looked at my stomache. wow ! my stomache had grown alot since the last time i had looked. it had grown big enough so it would just peek through my top when the fabric rested on my stomache. i was about a month pregnant or possibly more. i let my shirt fall smoothly back over my stomache.  and tyson. he would be loving someone that hardly had any feeling for him. she was just a picture. hollow even. and she could easily take the rest of my life and make it her own and she wouldnt even have to come back into this dark place.

" erm i guess it wouldnt be so bad, i can watch the baby grow up and see tyson age without me" i said sadly. but the truth was i didnt want to stay in here. i wanted to be with my baby and tyson. i would give anything for that to be true. " its not as easy as that amiee !" danika shouted. " what?" i said. " a reflection only appears when there owner looks in a mirror, what do you think they do for the rest of the time?" " she shoted. i gasped. " yh, you wont see anything unless she spends every second of the day looking in a mirror !" she shouted. " thats not true ! i am watching her now !" i shouted back.

" well thats because you have 2 and a half hours yet ! to get out ! but if jamie dosnt leave by then this wall will seel completley and you will be nothing but a reflection amiee !" shouted danika. " but my baby !" i yelled back. " your baby wont exist ! the baby isnt a reflection, its a real thing but its growing inside of you and not her !" she shouted. " no not now ! i was doing so well !" i said. " i'm sorry, i didnt think we would have to wait but either way, if we wait your stuck in here fore ever but if you leave now then jamie will know you've done something and will make you tell him what then this will all be for nothing" said danika.

i slid to the floor and pressed my hand against the wall. " no" i whisperd to myself. and i used every bit of hope i had that jamie would leave sometime soon.


2 hours later and jamie still hadnt left. he had just continuesly repeated himself over and over again. i only had half an hour left or i would be stuck in here for ever. i sighed. i still needed to stop jamie and sort things out between me and tyson and i didnt even know what claire's power is.

looks like that will have to wait for another time. i've gotta get out of here first. and it didnt look like any time soon.


.READ accidental hybrid 2: the next chapter WHERE THE STORY CONTINUES

Accidental hybrid: vampire/angel (BK1) (OLD VERSION)Where stories live. Discover now