Some Kinda Hate

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"Well... that was definitely something." I said as we walked out of class.

"Not another fucking word about it!" Hayley shouted.

"So this is the big bad 'Hayley Hyde' I've heard so much about?" Victoria scoffed.

"Why yes, and by the way 'Best Friend', say my name in that tone again and I'll rip your tongue out." Hayley said.

"Well you girls have fun. I've gotta go find Courtney." I said.

"Wha- You're not going to leave her with us!"
"You're not leaving me with them!" Victoria and Hayley said at the same time.

"Look, I need someone to keep her as Hayley for the day so she doesn't die, alright? I promise I'll try to make it up to you." I said.

"M-Make it up to us- Uh, h-how do you w-wanna make it up, e-xactly?" Clarissa asked like she was having a hard time processing my words.


"I'll figure out something." Victoria said with a smirk. "Alright, fine, you have a deal." That's when I realized Hayley was creeping up on me.

"Awwwwww, you really do care about me~." Hayley said. "Why don't I make it up to you for doing so much for me?" She asked suggestively. Clarissa started to do the Frankenstein growl.

"Gonna have to take a hard pass on that."

"That's not the only thing that'll be h-"

"Okay, I'm gonna go find Courtney now." I said before pushing Hayley off. I began walking away after before hearing someone call my name. I turned around and saw Bonnie running over to me.

"Hey, (Y,N)! Glad to see the principal didn't kill you." She said with a nervous smile.

"Uh, thanks?" I said. "Where's Giggles?"

"Oh, she's around. So what class do you have right now?"

"Uh... Lunch."

"Oh, r-right!" Bonnie said nervously laughing.

"I'm on my way to find Courtney. Do you wanna come sit with us at lunch?"

"Sure!" She said. We turned around and I saw two giant snakes slithering over to me with their fangs out. Before they got to me, though, two hands came out of the ground and tangled them into a pretzel. After that, Giggles emerged from the floor and groaned.

"Didn't I tell you two idiots he wasn't human!?" She asked annoyed. I then realized that the snakes had to have been Jack and Jake.

"And I'm telling you I can smell the fuckin' fear on him!" Jake said. The two turned back into their clown forms but were still tied up together.

"Wait, Giggles, were you waiting for them to show up again?" I asked. I noticed Bonnie get a little red when I mentioned it.

"I mayyyyyy have told Giggles to watch over you and make sure the Jeckels didn't try to kill you again." She said. "I was kinda worried for you, y-Y'know? I didn't want anything bad to happen."

"That's really nice of you Bonnie." I said. Bonnie got even redder.

"I- Uh- I-"

"Bonnie and Chicken Sittin' in a tree! F-U-C-K-I-N-" The Jeckels sang before a huge cartoony wooden hammer smashed into their heads.

"Thank you, Giggles." Bonnie said.

"I still need to find Courtney. You guys coming or what?" I asked Bonnie and Giggles. Bonnie held in a laugh for some reason before nodding.

"Yeah, sure, lead the way!" She said. I turned around and-

"BOO!" Courtney shouted in my face hanging upside down. I screamed and fell over.

"Not funny, Courtney!" I shouted as she and Bonnie laughed and Giggles... giggled.

"I'm sorry! I couldn't help it!" She said floating down. "Come on! Let's get to lunch!"

"Do you even need to eat food?" I asked her.

"No. But it's still fun." She chuckled. We started walking to the cafeteria and Courtney looked up at me. "Hey, (Y,N)?"


"Thanks for looking for me this time." She said leaning her head onto my shoulder.

"Oh, uh, no problem." I said. I heard Bonnie uncomfortably laugh behind us before... growling? I looked back at her. "Are you alright, Bonnie?" I asked.

"Huh? Oh yeah! I-I'm cool!" She said before her pupils disappeared. "You'd know if I wasn't cool." She said before her pupils returned and her eyes went back to normal but she looked genuinely shaken as well. Giggles grabbed her by the shoulders like she was preparing to catch her in case she fell.

"We'll meet you guys in the lunch room." Giggles said before gesturing her hand at a locker, making it open before shoving Bonnie into the locker and following her afterwards.

"That was... weird." I said.

"Yeah, almost as weird as being a ghost in a high school for monsters and demons with a normal human for a best friend." Courtney said.

"...Fair enough." I said. We kept walking until we got to the cafeteria and then we got in line with a zombie guy with a syringe in his arm. We talked about The Misfits and horror movies Courtney hadn't seen as we waited. Once we got to the front of the line we saw The Crimson Groundskeeper with a hairnet over his Hood.

"Oh hey, kid your in luck! Your first day and you get to have my signature Death Ray Ramen." He said.

"Was That the best name you could come up with?" Courtney asked.

"Well if you don't like it you could always try my ghost peppers... made out of souls that used to be in ghosts." The Groundskeeper said threateningly. Courtney gulped before we took our trays. We started walking and looking for a table before I tripped over something. I fell face first into my food before looking up at whoever tripped me.

"Why are you still at my school?" Heather asked me.

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