Chapter 6

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~Sakura's POV~

'Today's the day! Today I'm going to Sasuke's house!' I squealed inside my head.

What to wear was the big question, this would be my first time ever meeting his family and I have to look as presentable as possible! I clenched my fists and held it hip in front of me while making a small smirk.

While browsing through my drawers, I found a pink sleeveless vest, a black T-shirt, black knee length stockings, and a matching pink skater skirt. I topped the outfit on with the bow Sasuke gave me and I was ready!

I ran towards my mirror to see the outfit. Twisting and turning in the same spot, I looked closer at myself.
"I wonder if they will like me."

"Of course they will like you."

I suddenly turn around to see who was behind me.

"Mom!" I screamed in shock.

There she was. She stood there in her casual sleeveless white dress with 3 red lined up rings starting from the bottom up. Her face was as clear as day with light bags under her eyes which could barley be seen by the naked eye. Her blond bangs were tamed more to the right compared to her usual centered look and the back of her hair was straighten instead of flipped. Her sides weren't gelled either, making her sides flip by the sides of her face. This was the way mother usually looked, but she was so beautiful today for some reason. 'Hm...maybe it's the bangs?'

She walked next to me and bent down to my height. "Did I ever tell you that you look so cute with the new hairstyle? What made you change it anyway?" She patted my head while adjusting some of the loose strands of hair sticking up.

"Thank you. I just wanted a bit of a change!" I smiled and put my hands be hind my back, inclining them together.

In one swift motion she was off the ground and on her feet. She put her hands on her hips before looking down and slapping her forehead and mumbling something under her breath which I couldn't quite makeup of.

"Dammnnniiitttt~~~" she slurred her word and huffed. "I forgot to wake your father...ugghhh.." She slipped out of the room and headed to her own.

"Hizashi! Wake up!" And the next thing I heard was a low, tired grumble and a ton or rumbling.

"Sakura. Are you ready sweetheart?" Hizashi screamed from the front door, waiting for his daughters arrival.

He dressed in his normal attire, made up of a blue men's kimono shirt with a yellow ribbon with a thin purple strip at its center, holding it up. He wore long brown shorts to finalize it. His hair was different though; instead of his star-shaped hair style, he wore it in a man bun to neaten it up.

"Just a second!! She replied.

"Where is it?" Some mumbled while skimming through her belongings. 'Sasuke...this is my way to repay you' she thought and smiled, continuing to tare her room apart. "Finally found you!"

"SAKRA~~~" her father sung out her name. "Come! Hurry up!" Her mother demanded. "Coming!!" She shouted while running to her parents. And with that, they left the house and was on there way to the Uchiha compound.
~Sakura's Pov~

My legs felt heavier every time I took a closer step, a step closer to his family house. My body felt a bit numb and I wanted to vomit. 'They won't like me.." I thought while squeezing my fist to my chest. Their house was so close to ours so the walk was short, but I wished for it to be longer.

"Look sweetheart! Where here!" My father spoke while staring up at the huge traditional building in front of us.

'They definitely won't like me....' I thought for a final time before I heard something that almost made me jump out of my skirt.

*Nock Nock* 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2019 ⏰

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