II. Glock Bond

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Chapter 9

September 29th, 2017

Brayden | Trouble Jr

"You ain't say yo sister was that fine though." Melly said

"She ugly as fuck." I stared at him "You must be blind or something."

"You stupid." Shad laughed as Alice walked in the kitchen with a mug on her face
"What's wrong girlfriend ?" I asked eating some chips

"Get your cousin." She mumbled as she grabbed the lighter and started playing with it

"Don't set shit on fire over this way." Melly said as he grabbed his phone

"Shad, can you take me back to the house." Rayven walked in the kitchen

"Why did you come over here if you was gon leave 10 minutes afterwards ?" He asked

"You wasted that man gas." Melly said causing me to laugh

"I wasn't talking to you, bye." She waved him off

"You ain't even all that cute to be so damn mean, ugly ass."

I started laughing as Melly just mugged her ass. Ion know why Rayven came over here anyways, all she wanna do is be so damn nosy.

"You wasted my gas and na ion feel like driving." Shad said as Alice leaned her head on his shoulders

"Weren't you fucking with Brayden ?" Rayven questioned

"Mind yo business." I sucked my teeth

"I'm just asking seeing as if she moved on to my brother."

"I'm only going to ask you once and one time only. Leave me alone and stop disrespecting me." Alice stared at her "I've set you on fire and you don't appreciate that I've let you live, now leave me alone before no one sees you alive again."

"Oop." Melly leaned his head back "Well then."

"She told you." I mumbled opening the refrigerator grabbing some grapes

"Put my grapes down." Alice said making me jump

"Yes ma'am." I dropped the grapes closing the refrigerator

"So you just gonna let her talk to me like this Shad ? I'm your sister for gods sake !" Rayven yelled

"You always pulling this brother card like I ain't have yo back after plenty of foul shit you done did, grow up and stop fucking picking with people."

"Should we leave ?" Melly asked

"No, it's going to get better." I told him grabbing the family size bag of Doritos "Want some ?"

"Sure my friend." He stuck his hand in

"Oh whatever, you never have my back ! You let a bitch get i"

"Stop disrespecting me." Alice cut her off

"Or the fuck what ?" Rayven stared at her

"Rayven don't do that." I warned her

"She got that look in her eye." Melly told me "I got 20 she bust her bose."

"30 she stabs her." I said


"Please forgive me." Alice whispered to Shad

"For what ?" Shad asked as he lit his blunt

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