II. Glock Bond

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Welcome to Part II Glock Bond. Somebody's dying, more shootings, more drama, and two new characters. I haven't decided yet who's dying. Decisions decisions..

Chapter 1.

June 30th, 2017

Cyan | Trouble

"C M who ?!" I yelled as I walked in the house "The cocaine mursic faggots !"

"Shut up !" Farrah yelled causing me to cock my head back

"You need to push that baby out cause you acting real crazy !" I mugged her locking the front door

"No you need to learn how to shut the fuck up." She walked past me to the kitchen

"Brayden, get yo mama !" I yelled following behind her

"I don't want her." He walked in talking on his phone "When y'all going ?"

"Who you talking to ?" I asked him

He held up a finger at me as he continued talking on the phone

"Did he just silence me with a finger ?" I looked at my mama

"He sure did." She grabbed a bottle of vinegar


"I'm on the phone, don't be rude." He pulled it away from his ear mugging me

"Fuck your phone conversation, who are you talking to ?"

"Mind yo damn business."

"Stop cursing." Mama jumped in as she cut some cucumbers

"He not telling me who he on the phone with." I sucked my teeth

"Maybe because he doesn't want to." She spoke slowly as she grabbing some pepper

"Okay but I always tell him when he be asking me, he showing off."

"Girl, you need to calm down." She eyed me

"Hurry up and finish baking please so I can bond with my sister cause I'm tired of Farrah and fucking Brayden."

"You done throwing your temper tantrum ?"

"I'm leaving, I'm going to go find somebody who appreciates me for me !"

"It won't be Glock !"

"Fuck up you stupid half dead bitch !"

"Ya fucking mother !"

"Hey !"

"My fault, I forgot you was my mama too for a second."

I walked out of the house and sat on the porch for a couple of minutes. An idea popped in my head and I got up making my way to Glock grandma house.

I knocked on her door and she opened it smiling at me.

"Hi ma." I said giving her a hug before stepping inside

"Hey baby, why haven't you been by to see me lately ?" She questioned shutting her door

"I been falling off but I'ma come over more often." I told her as I followed behind her as she walked to her room

"You better or I'ma cut yo ass ! You finally off that house arrest ?" She said opening her dresser

"Yeah, I got off papers a couple months ago."

"Good, cause we gon have a good time."

I looked up from my phone to see her holding up a blunt.

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