I. Glock Season

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"But I fear none and I respect all. And if you disrespect it, I'ma die bout it."

December 25th, 2016

Alice | Lizzy

"Oh Alice bitch please, being positive all the time ain't gon get a bitch to stop talking shit." Rayven waved me off

My left eye twitched as Trouble stared at me closely.

"Not everyone is at peace with themselves." I simply said as I walked out of the kitchen

"Rayven why yo ass so negative ? No wonder them girls be beating yo ass in Florida." I heard Kyla tell her

"You say that like I get my ass handed to me all the time." Rayven sucked her teeth

"Shad be sending me videos sis, its been more than 5 times." Shayla said making Trouble scream

"Not everyone is Muhammad Ali."

"Yeah bitch but we ain't 0 to 5." Kyla told her as Trouble and Cedes were dying of laughter

I walked into Trouble's room grabbing a few pieces of paper and a lighter. I was tired of Rayven and wanted her to die already. She doesn't deserve to be on this earth.

"You okay Alice ?" Trouble asked me as I walked back into the kitchen

I lit one piece of paper before throwing it on her.

"Alice no !" Trouble yelled as I kept lighting each paper throwing it on her afterwards

Rayven started screaming as I smiled at her seeing her panic. Trouble grabbed me and pulled me back some as some of her family members and others ran in the kitchen.

"Girl what the hell you doing on fire ?!" Uncle Kaine asked

"I got it !" Brayden yelled grabbing the pitcher filled with cold water out of the fridge "Back up ! Fireman at work !"

He took the top off of the container and dumped all of the water on her. She screamed one last time as everyone went silent.

"Well hot damn." Fat mumbled

"What the hell is going on in here ?" Mrs. Farrah asked

"That sick bitch tried to light me on fucking fire !" She screamed pointing at me

"I'll do it again, and again, and again." I looked at her "My name is Lizzy not bitch."

"I don't care what the hell it is ! You're a sick bitch !"

"I suggest you stop yelling and don't be a hypocrite because what you did less than an hour ago is one trait among a sick bitch." I shrugged

She stopped talking and mugged me as everyone was silent.

"Well what the fuck the bitch done did ?" Shad asked

"Shut up boy." Uncle Kaine smacked the back of his head

"Brayden come clean up this water, Trouble go take Alice for a walk to cool down." Mrs. Farrah said

"Rayven should clean it up, she was the one on fire." Brayden sucked his teeth

"Clean up the water !"

Trouble led me outside and we took a seat on the porch.

"Why'd you snap like that ?" She asked me

"That word triggers me, it brings back unhealthy memories." I shrugged

"Why'd you say your name is Lizzy ?" She questioned

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