Author Note One:

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Hello Readers!

Welcome to "Run-Away Little Sister: Hurting". This book was my first ever novel I had the privilege of writing and publishing here on Wattpad, and now three years later, I've finally come back to edit it. 

Before we get into the story there are a few things I want to cover. These include: the version of this story, other books I've written, possible triggers in this story, comments, and copyright.

Starting off, I wanted to say that this book is now edited, and if you are a previous reader some minor parts of the story may have possibly changed. If you've finished reading this story, I highly recommend you trying out some of my other stories both of which are on the Wattpad platform and not on the Wattpad platform (They are on the platforms: Episode and Dreame).

Currently, I have one book published on this Wattpad account. That story is "Surrounding Angels". Originally, I had another story on this account, but Wattpad has since taken it down. I will be republishing that story as soon as I can.  

On Episode, (an animation story-telling app) I have three books published, "The Baby Dilemma", "Queer: Lovely Love", and "Forgotten". Episode  is under the account name: "Michaela".

Possible triggers this book may have, but are not limited to...

Include some of the following listed below:

Running away, physical abuse, mental abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, trauma, attempted rape, rape, death, gangs, guns, fighting, murder, sadness, anger, depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts/tendencies, toxic families, LGBTQ+ community, same-sex relationships, large families, ext. 

As my other stories have, this will be a big brother/little sister type story. I can promise you'll hate a few of the brothers, but Anastasia will end up forgiving them, because that's who she is. I won't tell you when or how, but if you don't agree with her forgiving nature, then this book is NOT for you. And that's okay.

Personally, I'd love if you would share this book with others you think may enjoy it.

My goal as an author is to have people enjoy my writing. I wrote the original book when I was around twelve years old, I'm now sixteen years old. My writing's gotten better over time, but it can still be crappy every now and then. With that being said, please don't write hate comments towards my writing abilities or mean comments towards anyone.

If I see mean comments, I'll report them and then delete them. That's how it works. While we're on the subject, I'd also like to say that I try really hard to reply back to comments. If I don't reply back, don't take it personally. Generally it's just because I haven't seen the comment.

Another thing that I'd greatly appreciate is if you'd vote on chapters for me. If you liked a chapter, click the star and watch it light up in orange. That'll let me know you like what I'm writing, it's a way for me to get better.

If you don't like what I'm writing, give me a comment with constructive criticism (ex. of what NOT to say: You suck at writing.) (ex. of what TO say: I didn't particularly like this part of the chapter, but you could improve on it by...)

I'd also like to make perfectly clear that there are other stories like mine on Wattpad. I did not intentionally steal anybody's ideas. Stories can be similar, especially when there are thousands of them on one app alone. With that being said, if I find out someone's stolen my story I will have a civil conversation with you, before reporting you if no changes are made or we don't come to an agreement.

I have All Rights Reserved on my story and any ideas that may pop into my head.

Any images or video's used, however are not my own property unless otherwise specified. I hope I've been clear, and I hope that everyone understands that stealing ideas from someone else is illegal, and there can be charges pressed, which is why I'm saying I own my own ideas in this story and my other stories, but do NOT own pictures or videos unless otherwise stated.

That should be everything that needed to be covered in this author's note. Go ahead and swipe up to see the first set of character descriptions. 

I hope you all have a wonderful day/night.

Thank you so much for reading,


Original Version Published: March 23rd. 2019

Edited Version Published: June 24th. 2022 

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