Chapter 25

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"Kate! We miss you so much. How's the tour been with the guys? And by the way, I still haven't gotten over the fact that you knew One Direction all along and didn't say a thing." Annabeth's happy yet extremely loud voice said through my phone. I miss her and my family back home but touring with the guys has been a rollercoaster ride for me.

"I miss you guys too. It's been great. I'll be home soon so don't you guys even think about forgetting me just yet." I laughed.

"We'll try not to. So, how are things going with you and Harry?" I could hear the smile in her voice. I remember asking my parents on the phone if I could go on tour with the guys. At first, they thought it was a bad idea but I convinced them anyway. I mean, who wouldn't want to spend more time with her boyfriend and his four amazing friends. Boyfriend. I still haven't gotten used to that word. Who would've thought that a girl like me would end up with Harry Styles?

"We're doing good. In fact, today marks our first month of being together." I say proudly. "He's amazing, sweet, funny, and every day just gets better and better." I sound like a lovesick puppy but it's true. I can't deny the fact that I am unfathomably in love with Harry.

"Seriously Kate, you've got it bad." She says, making me giggle. "Well, I got to go. I'll talk to you soon and say hi to the boys for me. Bye Kate, run along now and be all coupley with Harry." She teases before hanging up.

I shuffle on the seat I'm on as I wait for Eleanor and Danielle. A week after Harry and I got together, I met both Eleanor and Danielle. They actually thought that me pretending to be Eleanor was genius. It really was. If it weren't for that plan then I probably wouldn't be with Harry right now. I've also grown really close to the girls. They're really fun to be with plus it's good to have a break from the boys and just hang out with girls for a while.

Suddenly someone sits beside me and puts a hand on my shoulder, making me jump. I relax when I realize that it was just Eleanor. Danielle laughs, "Someone's jumpy today."

"You guys scared me. You know, you could've just said hi or something."

"We know." They said simultaneously. "But where's the fun in that? I prefer shocking you than simply saying hi." Eleanor chirped. I rolled my eyes at them. Now I understand why the Liam and Louis chose them. They're the perfect couples. Especially Liam and Danielle, considering the fact that they've been together for years. It's amazing how much I know about the boys. Just a few months ago, I barely knew a thing about them.

I was the first to stand up from the seat while Eleanor and Danielle looked at me expectantly. "Well? What are we waiting for? Let's go get some shopping done." I said cheerfully. Normally, I wouldn't be excited to go shopping but a month with the boys made me realize how much I missed doing the things I usually do with girls.

Danielle and Eleanor jumped off of the seat with wide grins on their faces. "Let's go!" Danielle grabbed me and Eleanor's hands and dragged us away. This is gonna be a long day.

We spent hours walking and carrying our shopping bags. My bags were only half as many Danielle's or Eleanor's. I may have underestimated their shopping capacity. We were going in Jack Wills. Instantly, I thought of Harry. Is there even anything that doesn't remind me of him? The boys couldn't come with us cause they still had rehearsals. I wonder if they're done.

I'm not really interested in buying anything else so I just wander around the store. I stop when I see a familiar purple hoodie. It's the exact same hoodie as Harry's. Unconsciously, I reach out my fingers and stroke the fabric.

Then my eyes are suddenly covered. I tried to pry away the hands that covered my eyes but the person behind me is way stronger than I am. I give it one last shot before finally giving up. I dropped both my hands at my sides to emphasize that I surrender.

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