Chapter 12

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It's official. I really am nervous to meet them. What if they don't like me? Do they even know that Zayn and I used to date? They probably don't and maybe I'm just making a big fuss out of this.

'But what if they do' A voice at the back of my head whispered. And once again, my nerves start to go crazy. Gosh Kate, hold yourself together! You're meeting Zayn's family not the royal family. Stop overreacting.

"We're almost there." Zayn says from the front seat of the car. He was giving directions to the driver.

I've managed to stay quiet for the whole ride from the airport. I was trying my best to hide my anxiety from them. They'd probably think that it was weird if I told them I was nervous.

After a couple more turns the car came to a sudden halt.

"We're here." Zayn opens his door and walks towards his house. My heart starts to pound faster but I try to ignore as Mary and I follow Zayn into his house. The other boys offered to carry our bags for us before we went inside.

Once we were inside, a woman who must be Zayn's mom hugged him and gave him a kiss on his cheek. I couldn't stop the smile that was starting to form on my lips.  Zayn's mom looked so happy when she saw Zayn. It must be hard for her to not see her son for months. She hugged Mary and when she pulled away she turned her gaze to me.

"Hi. I'm Patricia, Zayn's mom." She smiles at me before giving me a hug. I was a bit taken aback but I came back to my senses soon enough to respond to what she said.

"It's nice to meet you Mrs. Malik. I'm Kate." I reply shyly.

A look of recognition crosses her face when she hears my name. My breathing stopped. Did she know? Before I could jump into any more conclusions, someone arrived and stood beside Zayn's mom. She was really pretty and she looked a bit like Mrs. Malik. She raised her eyebrow questioningly at Zayn while a smile played across her lips.

"It's nice to meet you too Kate. And you can call me Patricia. You must be tired from walking around with those crutches." Mrs. Malik looked at me with concern clouding her face but she eventually put her hand on my shoulder and gave me a small smile before facing the girl beside her.

"Doniya, would you please show Kate the way to her room." Doniya? I remember that name. Zayn mentioned her to me before. She was his older sister. Zayn's mom left, leaving me alone with Zayn, Doniya, and Mary.

"Hi, I'm Doniya. It's great to finally meet you Kate. I've heard so much about you." For a moment, i saw her eyes flicker towards Zayn but it was barely noticeable. I hope Mary didn't see it though because right now, I was absolutely sure that she knew about me and Zayn. I smile sheepishly at her before she leads me to the room I was gonna be sharing with Mary while Mary just stayed beside Zayn.

"Thanks." I turn to face Doniya with a grin on my face.

"No prob. And by the way, I know about what happened between you and Zayn." Even though I already knew that she knows, I was still alarmed as I heard the words come out of her mouth. What if she told Mary? Oh god. I don't want to ruin my friendship with Mary.

"Don't worry. Your secret's safe with me." She must've noticed the expression on my face.

"I think that it was pretty immature what Zayn did to you though. I told him that he must've just misunderstood what was happening when he saw you kissing Harry. From what I've heard about you, you don't seem like the type of person who would do that and Liam told me about your reaction when you saw Zayn at the hotel before he left and you seem to like my brother very much."

What did she just say? I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"Wait, wh-what do you mean when Zayn saw me kissing Harry?" By this point, I was completely baffled.

"Zayn told me that the day before he left to come home for the holidays, he saw you and Harry kissing on the lobby of the hotel." She was starting to look a bit confused too.

Instead of saying anything else, I sat on the bed. Doniya sat beside me and I could tell that she was waiting for me to say something. But I couldn't. I just sat there speechless as a jolt of understanding hit me. That's why he was acting so weird at the hotel. He thought that I wanted to kiss Harry that day. He thought that I cheated on him. I buried my face on my hands and started to cry.

I lost him because of that kiss. I should've told him about what really happened but I didn't. I kept it from him not knowing that he saw what happened. And now I can't have him back. There wouldn't be any point to tell him what really happened that day because he doesn't need my explanation anymore. He doesn't need me anymore. Because he already has Mary.

"Don't worry, everything's gonna be okay." Doniya rubs my back, trying to comfort me. No. It won't be okay. I screwed up.

After a few more minutes of crying, I managed to stop the tears from pouring down and gathered enough strength to speak.

"I- I didn't cheat on Zayn. Harry kissed me that day and told me that he had feelings for me. I was so shocked after he kissed me so I ran out of the hotel as fast as I could. I was afraid to tell Zayn so I just kept it from him instead. I knew that if I told him about it, Harry and Zayn would just get into a big fight." My voice cracked while I tried to get the words out of my mouth.

Doniya looked like she was trying to put all the pieces together. After a few moments of silence she finally spoke.

"I was right. I tried to tell him that he might have just misunderstood what happened but he was too stubborn to believe me. Over the holidays, the boys have been trying to call him but he just wouldn't answer." She was looking at me sympathetically.

"It's okay. It doesn't matter now anyway. He already has Mary." I couldn't look her in the eye as I spoke those words because I was afraid that the tears would start falling again.

"Do you still like him?" I was a bit surprised by her question. But instead of saying anything else, I simply nodded and start to cry again.

Doniya pulled me in a comforting hug as I continued to sob. I couldn't help but let out a chuckle at the situation I was in right now. Just a few hours ago, I was really nervous to meet her but right now I'm crying my heart out in front of Zayn's sister. She pulls away and puts her hand on my chin so I was facing her.

"He likes you too."


There you go, Hope you liked Chapter 12 :) sorry if there are some mistakes. ;D

Guys, I won't be able to update till next week cause I'm going on vacation with my family. (:

I'll try to update as soon as I can :D

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- Hannah (:

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