More than a contract

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It had been a few days since we arrived at Vincent's beach house. I'm learning things about him I didn't know. It's funny when you are away from the bustling of the city how different someone acts.

After showering and dressing, I came downstairs to find him cooking. I still couldn't fathom the fact that he prepares food. He noticed me, "I prefer the more natural you."

His comment surprised me.

"I almost forgot what it was like not to wear heavy makeup. I like it," I replied, unsure of my response. A smile curled upon Vincent's lips as I walked over and poured a cup of coffee before sitting down at the table.

He placed food on the plates before placing the pans in the sink. Then he joined me.

"What's on the agenda today?" I spoke between bites.

"I have an appointment today, but then after that, I figure we could check out the town," he suggested.

"I thought you weren't doing any business?" I looked at him.

"It's the only business I'm required to handle," he answered as we ate. I didn't press him anymore about it.

The thing I'm learning about Vincent is that he only tells you what he wants you to know.

After we ate, I helped him clean up, then he left, leaving me alone in the beach house. I went outside to get some fresh air. I leaned across the railing as I looked out at the water. It's funny how far I came in such a short amount of time.

I didn't have to get ready to meet a client; wondering who I was meeting wasn't even a thought. Staying quiet and not speaking as they did whatever they wanted to me. I became so accustomed to it I built an immunity, making it became second nature. Not having to do that made me realize; I wasn't an escort. I needed something more.

I'm tired of having sex with random guys for money. This life is one that I never wanted but endured. After I finished this month, I knew that I would need to figure out what I wanted to do with my life.

I don't even know how long I had been out there. I felt someone against my back and lips on my neck. I turned, coming face to face with Vincent.

"How long have you been out here?" He questioned me.

"I don't remember. I came out here when you left and got lost in my thoughts," I replied as Vincent looked at me.

He moved around me until he was standing next to me, leaning against the railing.

"How was your appointment?" I asked him.

"It was typical, but nothing I can't handle," he shrugged. "What were you thinking?"

"My life an escort," I responded as I looked at his expression. I couldn't gauge what he was thinking. Vincent always has a certain way about him. "I'm leaving the business."

My response surprised him as he looked at me. I looked down at my feet. "Not having to meet with a client and put on a facade made me realize I want something more with my life."

"Is this because you won't be a part of it for a month? Lacey, this arrangement is only for thirty days. After that, you're free to do as you please," he reasoned.

"It's not something I wanted to be part of, to start. It was something that happened. If I'm an escort, I could tell no one what I do for a living or even have a family," I spoke while looking at him.

Vincent looked at me, and I saw a softness in his expression that I haven't seen. There was a side of him. He kept hidden from everyone and allowing me to see for once.

The Businessman's Escort✔️(Wattpad version)Where stories live. Discover now