(24)Attack in the Night

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(I'm NOT the one who came up with the ship name. You can thank FUCKIN Jaden for THAT one!)


Cory's POV

I awoke to a loud explosion. Then, something was hot, really hot. My eyes shot open and next thing I knew I was off the couch. My shoes were still on, and Will fell out of the bed, and he was pulling himself up, off the ground. My eyes widened when I saw fire in the doorway and surrounding the med bay. I was about to grab Will, but a support beam slammed down, the smoke was filling the room fast and I heard people outside.

Thinking quickly, I glanced over at Will, who, to be quite honest, looked horrified. I forced energy into my palm and jumped over the fire, grunting as the flames licked at my leg. When I got to Will's side of the room, I grabbed his hand and stepped into a nearby shadow.

The darkness ate us quickly and cold washed over me, the only warm thing that I could feel was Will's hand. We were pushed out of a shadow of one of the people outside. I heard a scream, and recognized it as Frank, who jumped back. My head was a little fuzzy and my vision was blurry from all the smoke. I immediately let go of Will's hand when one of the healers checked us over. There were a couple smoke smudges on my cheeks and shirt, nothing too bad though. I felt a hand on my arm, and pulled me up. There was a dull throb, but no black mist or pain, so it must've been Nico. Be opened his mouth to say something, when a sudden voice sounded on a hill overlooking the camp.

A voice that was so familiar, that it sent shivers up my spine, and turned my blood cold.

"Oh dear. This appears to be a bit of a commotion. Don't you think children?" I slowly turned, Nico following my actions, but, the sight only made me angry with a side of miserable. It was Hades, and he was back, with a lot of guys, who clearly wanted to lay waste to our camp. "We finally found your little LGBT camp. I will call them boys for now, just because they aren't my sons. So. Nico. Cory." All eyes were on us, but I don't think we had the mental state to move a muscle. Chiron stepped forward as Hades called out again. "Come forward, boys. You come, we'll leave you all alone. You and, let's say two others."

Nico and I glanced at each other, but slowly made our way through the crowd. The thing is, Nico was a little calmer. My misery and fear, turned into rage, a boiling rage. You could tell too, but, I was barely able to keep the aura of darkness that flooded off of me, to turn into waves of death. But, Nico was angry too. Because wherever we stepped, the grass and flowers wilted away.

Soon we were in front of the crowd. Hades gaze turned until he saw us, and then it rested on us. His face broke into a cracked and broken grin. "Hello, kids. Good to see you again. Oh my, Coraline. You've certainly..changed." Yeah, all plants within 3 feet around me just died and withered away.

"It's CORY. You get that! You big, overly-bigoted, destructive, bag of horribly-tied horse shit! Next time I say it, I'm gonna serve a hand of death, right. Down. Your. THROAT!" The darkness and despair were lacing with my voice to made it sound louder and more growl-like. Even Hades flinched back. Nico Just stared at me, his expression was full of...pride...I guess.

Hades recomposed himself and gave Nico and me a cold look.

"Well then. We'll change that. We can make a deal." Nico stepped in.

"You said something about trading Cory and I, along with two others, for the camp?" His hands were balled up and shaking, but he kept himself calm, so I tried to copy him. Hades nodded.

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