Chapter 29: "I beg of you!"

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Two days in: West of Blaylock

The Crime Lord had the choice of sticking Thea in the cage the carriage dragged behind it, instead he allowed her to sit in the booth with him. She doubted it was kindness, more of making sure they were going the right place, and if they weren't, it would be more convenient to torment her this close to him.
She doubted the cage was for her, though, or Victoria. Most likely to lug the four back to the house to be slowly tortured.
"We're here," she stretched in place, it had been a long trip, it didn't mean it was enough to heal. Her body might of scabbed over, but she was still weak, always hot, always thirsty.

The Crime Lord could give a damn. He'd barely moved, propped up expectantly.
"How long."
Not a question, a command. Everything the Crime Lord did and said was.
"Thirty minutes up this trail,"

He looked at her for a long while, she didn't flinch, or smile, or cry. She had the first time, sobbed all of two minutes before he threatened to cut out her tongue.
The Crime Lord whistled to the driver, and they veered off the road and onto the grassy trail. The tension in her back loosened, but she was still on guard of him. 

"I want you to be prepared to die, Thea."
The Crime Lord looked off, then back to her, if he was surprised she had the audacity to look him in the eye he showed nothing.
He continued, "At any given moment."

"They won't hurt me,"

"Oh darling, I will. My fiancé will— and I won't let you get away once we leave this carriage. You will be dying today, Thea, if she doesn't approve of you."

She likely won't, but Thea asked anyway,
"What's the chance of that?"

He sighed, something feline in his posture. The Crime Lord really was quite handsome, before Victoria he was pale and wicked. She'd gotten him out, took the heinous mindset and turned it into something elegant. He wasn't tan, but his skin was no more transparent from the dark basement of the pub where he spent his nights out torturing people like Victoria. People like Thea. But the Crime Lord didn't seem to enjoy torturing Thea, he seemed expectant, annoyed.

Had Victoria known him before, would she notice the change in him after her?
The Crime Lord said,
"She doesn't like to kill women. She's never told me, I believe she'll think I see her as weak if she does, but I see all of her. And you. What I don't know is if she'll claim you, or skin you."

And that was that. Thea pulled her knees into a hug as an innocent, submissive gesture. It was the best she could do to calm the roaring in her ears.


They pulled in finally, and Thea was caught off guard to the fact it was just a house. Of course, it wouldn't of been a castle, but Merek hadn't described it as being so.. small. The Crime Lord didn't waste a second. He wasn't exactly an arsenal, but oh Gods did he know brutality. Thea felt even in her situation, the side aloft from the Crime Lords carnage was a win. He pulled on a gas mask, in case of a gloriella bomb or tear gas she figured. The Crime Lord really had overestimated her friends stupidity.

The door yanked open, the driver hopped inside and ducked, but Thea was forced out by her armpit. He dragged her, holding a revolver at his side, and more blades on him than a field of grass.

He rasped, "Now be a good girl and stay silent."
With that, Sayter Hamel opened up the doors to the hidden cottage to get back his lover.

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