Chapter 4: "Beg me."

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When I woke back up the clean clothes were the first thing I felt, there was no blood or dirt on me, and it felt good. Flecks of blood replaced flecks of pain when a needle dipped in and out of my back. That's where the
glass— stitches, but it wasn't Sayter stitching me up.

I just laid there and let them finish, anyway. Waking up is your most vulnerable state. When your like a victim trying to fight but with nothing in you and, here I was trying to fight against the force on my feet. Someone tied me to the table or bed, whatever I was on, but not my arms, they left my arms unbound for whatever reason. The needle dug into a solemnly tender part of my back and I shot up, I could only really sit on my legs, but grabbed the red head and pinned— it was a her, down on the little bed.

The girl screamed, that needle was still in my back when I wrenched it out— but it stayed. Still attached to the string woven in my skin. I tugged, pulled until a snap sounded, and held the needle over the girls eye.

I needed to ask but couldn't decide.
Who are you? Where is Sayter? How do I get out of here? Where is here?
I must of been hovering, staring at her like a mad women. So she didn't wait for me to speak, she screamed. My first instinct was to shove my fist down her throat, and she gagged, but had the courage to look up at me. The screaming stopped, nobody came.
"Good girl. Now, tell me what you know happened while I was out, or I'll pluck your eye right out." I bit my lip, more out of frustration. Would you know, I really don't like hurting women. There the center of our world, flowers of flesh, men are a different story. Even worse, oh, so much worse this girl was just doing her job, helping me.

In an instant she was the center of my world when she spoke as my hand slid out from under her teeth. "Oh gods, oh gods," she prayed. "Please, Master Sayter told me to fix you up and, I did untie your hands so you wouldn't strain blood. I'm sorry, I'm sorry." The apology wasn't for me, her eyes were on the wall in front of me which, I suppose was her looking up being pinned down. She said it to some God she felt she betrayed. In reality, she went against Sayter's instructions to keep me tied up.

Good girl indeed.

I drew the needle in closer. "Are you one of Sayters submissives?"
The girl could only sob, "No, ma'am. He,
he—I only work for him. He told me that was you."
I laughed, which made her cry harder. "Darling, you cannot keep fire in a cage, much less me. Now," I began.

I made her untie me, and even without the needle over her she did. She must know I can do a hell of a lot to her with just my hands untied. When she was finished, I kissed her forehead even when she closed her eyes.
"You're going to be in a hell of a lot of trouble with him. That might of been the only thing you and I shared in common."
I winked but she didn't see it, her eyes were still closed when I broke into a run out of his little infirmary.

My clothes were still clean when I got back to my little apartment. Well, clean enough. For me.


I wasn't stupid enough to go out for the night, or bold enough to go out the next week. After that, when Sayter never came, I dipped back into my old habits. I did have a dream of him, though, we were in the depths of the bar again, he slapped my ass and pinned me to the wall. He tastes the sides of me with his tongue, and I wondered what it would feel like between my legs. I never did get to that part of the dream, but when I woke up my fingers went between my thighs and to my clit, and I played it out myself.

It was the one thing that got me wet when I went in on my clients. Tonight was the first time in a long time I would kill again. I didn't bother really, to have sex with many men. In a month, I would officially have been on the streets for two years. After about a week of that I found out what I really liked to do with men. So I went off, I killed and took what I could from them.

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