"Nope. You're the perfect amount for me." Jungkook said nonchalantly. "But I just wanna know how come you hang out in the red light district? Have you ever—well, you know—?"

"Jungkook. I've never been that down on money—yet. I'd rather be your personal prostitute anyway." Jin said without thinking and immediately burned red with embarrassment.

Jungkook's eyes widened then quickly switched to the flirtiest look that Jin has seen him give so far. He reached over and placed his hand on top of Jin's. "Well, if you insist, mi amour." He cocked a brow. "I took Spanish."

Jin shook his head and laughed lightly, never taking his eyes from Jungkook's. He wasn't sure what it was, but he felt so comfortable yet hot and bothered whenever Jungkook touched him or tried to flirt in his awkward/adorable way. It was cute and it made his heart do backflips.

Jin turned his hand over so that he and Jungkook were holding each other's hand, palm to palm. He looked down to watch Jungkook's thumb caress his wrist for a moment before he brought both of their hands up and interlaced their fingers. Jin swallowed at the gesture and hoped to hell his hand didn't start getting sweaty too quickly. But, fuck, he hasn't been this nervous since the first time he got asked out by his crush back in middle school.

They kept their hands like that for a few minutes, staring at the other, neither wanting to break the moment until Jungkook's phone started to ring.

"I'm a Barbie girl, in a Barbie world! Filled with plastic—"

Jungkook quickly answered the phone, knowing it was Taehyung just by the ringtone. "Hello?"

"Kookie Monster! I'm so motherfucking sorry. Please forgive me—oh shit, who put that table there?—Kookie Monster! I love you so fucking much! You are—"

"Taehyung? Are you drunk calling me?" Jungkook pulled his phone away from his hear and put him on speaker so that Jin could hear his mess of a best friend.

"Well, yeah! I can't believe you bought me Chinese food! You the best bitch a bitch could have! Hey-hey-hey-no I wanna talk to my Kookie Monster, you need to wait—"


"Hoseok?" Jungkook asked in confusion and looked up and Jin, who shrugged.

"Oh, thank God. He's been calling his boss, Jun Jihyun, for the last hour calling him Kookie Monster thinking he was calling you. Luckily, Jihyun has some good spirit about it—Taehyung get off of the table, you dumbass—and turned off his phone after the seventh call. He's been trying to call you to say he's sorry for whatever the fuck he did. I came over—Taehyung! You can't leave the fridge open like that! What the fuck!—after he called me 100 times calling me Kookie Monster, too. I swear to fucking God Taehyung if you don't put your underwear back on—!"

"Why is he drunk? I thought he was supposed to be with Jimin tonight."

"Oh, Jimin's here too. Both are drunk off their asses." Hoseok signed.

"Wait, my Jiminie's there? He's drunk, too?" Jin asked and snatched the phone from Jungkook. "Jimin? Can you put Jimin on the phone?"

"Ow! Who the fuck—?" Hoseok started before there was scuffling then, "JIINNNIIIEEE!" Jimin screamed in the background.

"It's Kookie Monster's carrot cake!" Taehyung shouted through the speaker.

"Carrot cake?" Jin scrunched his face in confusion.

"Are you gonna stick your carrot into Kookie Monster again?" Tae wondered.

Jungkook face quickly resembled a tomato in a matter of seconds. He snatched the phone back. "Taehyung, I swear I'll—"

"Hold the fuck up, Jungkookie bottomed?!" Hoseok exasperated.

"Jinnie, I missssss you soooo muchhhhh. Dimmminiiee, wuvs you soooo muccchhh."

"He got his cake ate too!" Taehyung shouted excitedly, probably to Hoseok.

"We have to go take care of the babies, Jungkookie." Jungkook looked up at Jin. "Jimin is known to do really stupid shit, like 'think he's Mary Poppins and jump off the roof' stupid."

Jungkook nodded, Taehyung wasn't the brightest when he was drunk either and he's definitely not a lightweight. Usually, Taehyung never gets this drunk and it was concerning. He must have taken the fight too seriously. "Hoseok? Are you guys still at my house?"

There was a scuffle before Hoseok was on the phone again. "Yeah."

"Okay, so, my car got a flat and we're in front of this food truck—"

"Let me stop you right there. I am not going to pick you up. I gotta watch these two dipshits so they don't blow up your house—Goddammit! Jimin stop sucking Tae's dick! What the fuck is wrong—!"

Jin rolled his eyes at Jimin's actions, not even surprised.

"Look, Kook. As much as hate to bring that asshole into this, you guys are still on good terms. Call Yoongi. Disturb his ass cuz he deserves it." And with that Hoseok cut the line.

"Who's Yoongi?" Jin asked.

Jungkook sighed. "A friend, a coworker and Hoseok's ex."

"Oh, was it recent? The breakup?" Jin asked because, well, he could relate.

"Sure, if you think three years is recent." Jungkook scoffed as he pulled out his phone to call Yoongi.

Yoongi answered pretty quickly, Jungkook expected this from the night owl. "What do you want?" He asked gruffly.

Jungkook quickly explained his situation and asked if he could get a ride back home, leaving out that Hoseok was there as well. Yoongi grunted and said he'll be there soon after Jungkook sends his location.

They waited about 20 minutes before the irritable man arrived. Jungkook and Jin hopped in the back of the car and sat in awkward silence all the way to Jungkook's house. At one-point, Jungkook cupped Jin's thigh and gave it a squeeze while still looking out the window, not moving it until they arrived at the house.

Yoongi shut off the car to get out as well. "Ah, Yoongi? You, ah, really don't have to come in." Jungkook said rather nervously.

"Of course I do. I'm gonna take blackmail pictures of Taehyung. He's like a drunk puppy." Yoongi said and made his way to the door.

Jin didn't know Yoongi or Hoseok that well or at all for that matter—he's only met Hoseok once and that was at a gay nightclub. But he was pretty sure that Hoseok's reaction to having to breakdown and tell Jungkook to call Yoongi most likely meant they were not on the best of terms.

"Yoongi, why don't—!" Jungkook started but the older male was already walking through his front door.

"It's YOONIE-CORN!" Taehyung screeched.

Jin and Jungkook quickly followed after Yoongi to find him glaring at an equally pissed Hoseok in the living room.

"Jungkook, when I said to call this asshole for a ride—that was it. You were not supposed to invite him in." Hoseok gritted out.

"He didn't, you finicky bitch, I'm a grown ass man and I go where I want," Yoongi responded in a dry tone, his face impassive.

The room was filled with silence as the two continued to glare daggers at one another. The suddenly there was a crash from the kitchen and both Jimin's and Taehyung's screams filled the air.

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