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Sherlocks POV

It has been three weeks since me and John announced our engagement and since then it has been chaotic. Not only have we been planning the wedding but as frustrating as it is John seems to be distracting me more often with his little remarks, not tat I mind honestly.
"Sherlock I'm going to make some coffee. Want any?" He asks happily.
"Black. Two sugars please" I reply, studying the paper around me. I was sat on the floor and had placed hundreds of plain papers around myself. He walks out the room and into the kitchen. Hmmmm  .

Ten minutes later

John walks in and starts laughing. I look up at him and chuckle myself.
"Sherlock what have you done?" He says, looking around the room. I look at all the paper swans I made and chuckled more. 
"I got bored."
"I left for ten minutes!" He remarks. I stand up and kiss him softly.
"Alot can happen in ten minutes." I say suductivly. Before anything else happens, I hear mycroft clear his throat. I kiss John again.
"Hello brother mine. " he says loudly.
" Oh hello mycroft. Didn't know you came in." I say simply, John hid his laughter in my shirt.
"of course. Sherlock be a dear and get me a tea." He says simply. As I leave I hear them bickering. I put my ear against the wall and try to hear them.
"You promised you wouldn't make a fuss over it." I hear John say
"And you promised you wouldn't hurt him" Mycroft says angrily. I hear a clutter and shouting. I run into the living room to see mycroft punching John.
" you could of made sherlock die!" he says cruelly. I pull him of john and twist his arm backwards. I push him against the wall.
"Maybe John should leave. This is a private matter." He says angrily.
"He stays" I say quietly
"Let me rephrase. It's a family matter." He reply.
"And THAT IS WHY HE STAYS" I scream. I drop mycroft and hold the door open.
"Get out mycroft." I say quietly. He looks at me shocked. He adjusts his tie and walks out, giving John an evil smile. As he leaves I slam the door shut and help John. He was sobbing quietly.
"I'm so sorry sherlock. I don't know why I done what I did. I'm so sorry." John whimpers.  He tries to stand but his legs give way. I catch him and feel my phone vibrate.  I check the message.

I'm terribly sorry sherlock but once again I had to do what was necessary. Your mind has been poisoned by human emotions. MH.

I frown at the message. I look at John and he frowns slightly. His hand feels around his neck and he pales.
" John? John what's wrong?!" I say, holding on to him as he sobs. He shows me a needle.
"It was in my neck sherlock. It's the same one as moriarty used." He says in a slurred voice. I feel my heart drop as he faints. No... he can't forget me... he can't. .. not now... I cry loudly and hold John closely. If I stay and he sees me... his mind will burn. I stand slowly and stare at John's body.
"I will get you back. I promise." I say softly.  I walk out of the flat as I hear John wake up.

I'm so sorry. But two maybe three more chapters left!

The fall. {sherlock x john X Moriarty}Where stories live. Discover now