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This story is johns pov btw. Also spoilers ;-) (hęłłø §węěţý)

Ring ring, i check my phone. Its sherlock.
"Yeah?" I said.
~skipping the call~
"SHERLOCK!" I screamed while running towords him. I saw him falling, his coat flapping behind him. A biker came out of nowhere and hit me. I fell down, hitting my head on the floor, almost knocking myself out.
"S..sherlock" i whispered. I cant sleep. I get back up and stumble where sherlock layed. People crowded around him. Please, no. NO!
"please. Move, im a friend, he is my friend." I mumbled, pushing people out the way. As soon as i saw him i froze. The once tall, lively sherlock holmes, had become a small bloody mess on the pavement. The fall had killed him...

~two years later~

I sat there. In the dark, all alone.  Knock knock. I looked up as mrs huddson walked in.
"Hello john. Are you ok?" She said. I looked up and said im fine. I wasnt. Since sherlock died, i had fallen into a deep depression. Its my fault. Its. My. Fault. I kept repeating that in my head. She looked at me and sighed. As she walked out the room i got up. I looked aound 221B. Its not the same. Not without him.

I hadn't shaved since he died. No need to. I walked to the kitchen and grabbed another bottle of whiskey. As i sat down i heard another knock.
"Gods sake" i muttered, irritated.
"Come in!" I shouted, realising the knocking didnt stop. I looked up as someone walked in. It cant be. I felt my heart jump.
"Hello john..." sherlock whispered

~how was it? I enjoyed writing this one :)
Bye for now sweety~

The fall. {sherlock x john X Moriarty}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat