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John's POV

I sit eating lunch with moriarty and smile sheepishly. I can't believe I did that this morning. Moriarty leans over and rests his head on me.
" I still here you call his name at night..." he whispers. "I don't want to have to punish you. So please stop saying his name." He says darkly. I gulp look at him.
"I can't stop... thinking about sherlock. He must be worried sick. If you can just let me see him." I say quietly. Moriarty shoots up and puts his hand in his pocket.
" I really didn't want to do this john.  But you can't see sherlock and you wanting to see him...hurts me. So I'm going to have to do something I wished I wouldn't.  I'm sorry.." He whispers. I look into his eyes they looked almost sad. He moves forwards and injects a blue liquid into my neck, causing me to pass out.

Moriartys POV

I drag John into his bed. I sighed loudly as I realise what's gonna happen to him. At least now he won't leave.

Sherlock POV

I sit in my flat. I was in my mind palace. I got John back and now I lost him... again. My thoughts were interupted by my phone buzzing.
"Hello?" I say nervously.
"Sherlock? We found him. We found John! " lestrade says happily. "He is at 34 maple street." I grab my coat and call a taxi.

John's POV

I woke up in bed and looked around. Moriarty must of carried me into bed after lunch. I start to read a book in my bed when I heard a bang in the bathroom. I jump up and check what it was. In the bathroom was a tall curly haired man climbing... well... falling, through the window. I start to get a headache.
" John? John! Thank god your ok" he says quickly.
"What? Who are you?" I ask him. He looks at me sadly.
" John. .. its me... Sherlock." He whispers. My headache worsens.
" I'm sorry... I don't know who you are...." I whisper


The fall. {sherlock x john X Moriarty}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang