Chapter Five

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Louis' p.o.v
I looked over at Rose who had her eyes closed and wondered how I could make this more interesting. I decided first I would text her "I like you" so I grabbed my phone and typed it out.

Hynes Ketchup
I like you.

I hit send and say there thinking if I should do this. I had decided just to do it. I connected my lips to hers and the sparks flew! I was in heaven. Everything felt right. It took her a second before she kissed back but once she did I knew that this was what I wanted. I wanted me and her together.
A few seconds later we pulled apart both of us blushing. I looked around and saw everybody staring at us.
"He did it!" Avi yelled out of excitement.
"Good job bub!" Lara said smiling at us.
"You got yourself a good one Lou!" Dylan said.
"Guys nothing is happening between us. We just kissed that's all that happened." I said knowing nobody would believe me.
"Okay whatever you say." Malina and Hazel said sighing at each other.

Rose's p.o.v
He liked me back. I didn't know what to do or say so I just sat there. I thought about telling him I felt the same but stopped myself. We played the game for a little while longer before going to bed.

Louis asked me if I wanted to hang out today, obviously I said yes! I had no idea what to wear. I looked like a mess from watching Friends all day. First thing I did was shower trying to smell good for him! Strawberry was his favorite scent so I used everything strawberry scented today wanting to look perfect. I put on a grey sweater with black and white stripes across the center. Paired with black ripped jeans and white high top converse. For makeup I wore some mascara. I didn't like wearing too much makeup because it made me feel like I wasn't me. I realized that I had gotten ready about an hour and a half too early so I decided to have a little snack and watch an episode or two of Friends.
I walked into the kitchen and made a fruit salad and grabbed a peach iced tea. I pulled up Netflix and started and episode of Friends.
Half way through the episode I started getting very nervous. I didn't know how to calm my nerves so I texted the girls.

Rosie Posie
Guys I'm really nervous. I don't know what's going to happen today.

Hynes Beans
Don't worry! Louis keeps asking me which outfit he should wear.

The Avi River
Don't be nervous! Your beautiful!

Wise Man
If he doesn't ask you to be his girlfriend today I will fight him!

Ooooo can I help Mal?

Rosie Posie
Ummm okay
First: Is Louis really nervous???
Second: Thank you!!
Third: There will be no need to fight anybody. Okay?

Louis' p.o.v
I'm hanging out with Rose today! I'm excited but scared at the same time. I want to impress her but I don't know how to. I put on light grey jeans with a white t-shirt and a long dark green button up coat over top and my black timberlands.
It was getting closer and closer to the time I had to go pick her up and I was getting more and more panicked.

Hynes Ketchup
Dylan I'm freaking out. I want to ask her to be my girlfriend but I don't know how. What will I do if she says no?

King Of Wells
Calm down Lou! Everything will go perfect. Her favorite flower is a sunflower so why don't you take her to that sunflower field she always talks about going to and ask her there!! I know that she will say yes!

Hynes Ketchup
That's a great idea Dyl! I'm still so nervous though.

King Of Wells
You have nothing to be worried about! I promise.

Hynes Ketchup
Thanks Dylan! I've got to go!

King Of Wells
Good luck and have fun! But not too much fun! Gross.

I had to pick Rose up at 6:00 and it was now 5:50 so I got in my car and left.

Rose's p.o.v
It was a little before 6:00 when I stood by my door waiting for Louis to show up. I was really excited for tonight and to hang out with Louis. I didn't really know wether or not to consider it a date or not. While waiting for Louis I listened to music as the time went by.
After listening to five songs I realized that Louis should be here by now. I didn't know why he hadn't shown up or texted that he was going to be late so I texted him.

Rosie Posie
Hey Louis. It's quarter after 6 and your still not here. I just wanted to make sure you're okay. If your driving don't text back and if your not driving text me when you get a chance! <3

It had been a half hour after sending that text and he still hadn't shown up. I decided that he probably wasn't coming so I changed out of my clothes and changed into comfy clothes. I had nothing to do so I called Lara.

"Hey Rose why are you calling me if your on your date with Lou?" She asked. As soon as she said that I started choking up and holding my tears back.
"He didn't show up." I said. As soon as I started talking I felt my voice break and I was full on crying.
"AVI, MAL AND HAZEL GET IN HERE!" She screamed into the phone making me chuckle a bit. I felt my phone buzz saying Lara wanted to FaceTime I got accept.
"Aww honey you look awful." Hazel said.
"Wow thanks." I said trying to crack a smile but I just couldn't do it.
"Do you guys know why he wouldn't show up?" I asked hoping they would have an answer.
"He was so excited. It doesn't make sense." Lara spoke trying to figure out what had happened.
"You know what we're coming over! Be there in 5!" Malina said.
"You guys don't have to. I'm okay." I said sadly lying. I knew I wasn't okay but I didn't want them to know.
"But we want to come! And you are not okay. You're broken look at yourself." Avi softly spoke trying to make it better. I hung up the phone and sat on my couch.
Five minutes later I heard a knock on my door.
"Come In!" I tried yelling but it just came out as a mumble. I slouched over to the door and opened it to see the girls standing there holding chocolates, ice cream and cookies. I smiled a little bit when I saw them.
"Awww sweetie I'm so sorry he did this. Trust me he will be hearing about this when I get home!" Lara softly said.
"It's okay. I would rather him not know how upset I am." I was embarrassed for being this upset about a boy. We sat down on the couch and turned on The Office in attempt of making me feel better. About an hour later Lara got a call from her mom.
"Hey guys I'll be right back!" She said stepping outside.
A few moments later she stepped back inside teary eyed.
"Lara what's wrong?" We all yelled when she stepped back inside. She then began to speak. Her voice breaking as soon as she spoke.
"Louis got in a car accident and they don't know if he'll make it."

I really hate myself for that ending. Whoops. <3

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