Chapter Three

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Dylan's p.o.v

Louis is upset because he doesn't think that Rose likes him back, but I think otherwise. I have to get the proof I need to know that Rose actually likes him back. Avi would know out of all people.

King Of Wells

Hey Avi! I have a really big question but I need to know first if you're by Rose.

The Avi River

What's up Dyl? Rose is asleep on the floor. Do you need her?

King Of Wells

No I don't need her. Actually I'm glad she's not by you! I figured

that you of all people would know the know this. Does Rose like Louis?

The Avi River

Why do you want to know? Does Louis like her back?

King Of Wells

So she does like him!

The Avi River

She's going to kill me! Anyway you never answered my question!

King Of Wells

Yes he likes her back, but he thinks that she likes someone

else because of her recent post. He was shaking. He can't sleep. He's

really worrying me Avi.

The Avi River

Jesus. Something needs to happen between them before Rose

starts acting like Louis. I'll text you tomorrow! Mal is

bugging me to get off of my phone! Night Dyl!

the next day

Rose's p.o.v

Today Avi, Lara, Malina, Hazel, Dylan, Louis and I are all going bowling to give us something to do. I put on a white dickies shirt paired with denim shorts and red vans. I put a few waves in my hair and sprayed my strawberry perfume. I was finishing getting around when Hazel started screaming.

"Rose hurry up! we're leaving in 5 minutes to go pick up Dylan and Louis!"

"Okay Hazel! Chill!" I yelled back laughing.

We all piled into Avi's white Jeep Wrangler. There wasn't very much room so someone was going to have to sit on someones lap. The seating arrangements when we first got in the car was Avi driving, Lara in the passenger seat and me, Hazel and Malina in the back seat. Once we arrived at Louis's house I texted them that we were here. I got out so that the boys could get in but then it hit me. I was going to have to sit on someones lap. I was about to walk over so i could just sit on Malina's lap but I was cut off by Lara.

"Rose we don't have time for this just sit on Louis's lap." she said looking me dead in the eye with a smirk on her face. I looked at her giving her the death stare before asking Louis.

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