Chapter Seven

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Louis' p.o.v
"Louis don't leave me. I need you. I love you." Rose screamed at me. I couldn't do this I had to see her. I couldn't let go. I had to fight for her. I tried to take deep breathes and get my breathing regulated but I just couldn't do it. I didn't want to die. I could hear the doctors yelling at each other. I was praying for them to save me. All I wanted was to be okay. All of a sudden I couldn't hear anything. All I could hear was this loud ringing in my ears. This had to be it right?

Rose's p.o.v
I had no idea what was happening. I was waiting outside Louis' door hearing the doctors yelling at each other. I was waiting to hear what was going to happen when I heard the sound I was dreading to hear. The flatline. I couldn't believe it. They could revive him right? I screamed out tears steaming down my face. I called Lara and begged her to come to the hospital as I ran from his room.
"Hey Ro how h-." I had to cut her off.
"Lara you need to get here now! H-he." I couldn't finish my sentence I was too emotionally unstable.
"I'll be right there!" She screamed.
A few moments later Lara showed up. I ran to her crying into her arms.
"Ro what happened?" She nervously asked dreading to hear what I was about to say.
"H-he flatlined. They're trying to revive him but it doesn't look good." I mumbled, my voice breaking mid sentence. She looked at me. Both of us broken and scared. We were sitting in the waiting room, tears sliding down our faces.
"Louis Hynes?" The doctor came out and asked. We both shot up out of our chairs and ran up to him.
"Is he okay?" I asked anxiously.
"Did he make it?" Lara asked at the same time as I did.
"He flatlined, but he was able to be revived." He said smiling. That was the best new I would ever get. I was thrilled.
"Can we see him?" Lara and I both asked.
"He's resting right now but if you would like to go sit with him in his room go right ahead." The doctor explained.
Lara and I bolted to Louis' room. I walked in first and saw him laying there peacefully. He looked miserable but even in a situation like this he looked so beautiful. We sat down and talked with each other softly trying not to wake him up.
Lara and I stayed in his room all night. I was half asleep when I heard a loud groan.
"Louis?" I whispered.
"Rose is that you?" Louis asked. I nudged Lara's hip waking her up.
"Ow." She yelled.
"Yeah Louis. It's me and Lara. How are you?" I explained.
"I'm really sore." He explained. He sounded hurt. I felt awful.
"How did the accident happen Louis?" Lara asked wanting the full story.
"Well, don't get mad at me." He said.
"We won't. We promise." Lara said for the both of us.
"I was driving and I realized that I didn't tell you that I was on my way to get you so I looked to see if any cars were coming and I didn't see any. I grabbed my phone to tell you I was on my way when I heard a car honk. Before I could see what was happening the car had hit me and everything went black." He said softly. Hearing the hurt in his voice broke my heart. I felt so guilty. I felt the lump in my throat and the tears burning in my eyes. I tried to hold it. It was my fault. I was the reason he got in the accident.
"I'm so sorry." I cried. I couldn't believe that I was at fault for this.
"Why are you sorry? I was the dumb one texting and driving." Louis said tiredly.
"If you didn't feel the need to text me none of this ever would have happened." I walked out of the room. I was crying. I knew I shouldn't be acting this way but I feel awful. I felt awful that Louis saw me in this state. Once I calmed myself down I went back in his room.
"I'm glad you're back! He was about to get up and go look for you." Lara explained.
"Louis you need to stay in bed and get some rest okay? I've been by your side through this all. I'm not leaving yet." I told him holding his hand.
"Thank you!" Louis spoke.
We stayed like this for what felt like forever. After a few hours Lara went home and I was laying on the couch which had felt like it was my new bed from how often I slept on it. I had my phone hooked up to the tv so we could watch Friends together. I was starting to get uncomfortable from sleeping on the couch like normal and Louis noticed.
"Come here." Louis demanded scooting over on his bed patting on it telling me to lay there.
"Louis I'm okay over here. Besides I'm not taking up your space when you're the one who needs the most rest." I explained, staying right where I was. Though I was uncomfortable on this couch I was getting used to it.
"I'm serious Rose. You've been sleeping on that couch for god knows how long. You need just as much rest as I do." Louis demanded. I knew he wouldn't give up so with a sigh I walked over to his bed a lied down. It felt nice.
The next morning I woke up feeling a pressure on my hip. I turned my head to see Louis' arm draped around my waist. I felt happy. It felt right. I wanted to stay like this forever but a nurse came in and interrupted our moment.
"Louis. Your breakfast is here." The nurse softly spoke.
"Thank you." Louis responded sounding tired.

Louis' p.o.v
Rose and slept beside me last night. We fell asleep hand in hand. I wanted her to be mine. I woke up feeling my arm stretched over her hip and her half asleep. I decided not to say anything because she looked so peaceful just laying there in my arms. My thought were interrupted by a nurse.
"Louis, your breakfast is here." Why did she have to interrupt our moment? I slowly sat up and grabbed my tray setting it to the side. I had such low appetite so I didn't eat the hospital food.
We were watching Friends but I couldn't stay focused. Rose's words kept running through my mind "Louis don't leave me. I need you. I love you." What did she mean by this? Does she like me back? Does she really need me in her life? I thought about asking her about it but I didn't want to ruin the moment so I decided not to. Before I knew it both of us had fallen asleep and were taking a nap.
I was awoke by the sound of whispers.
"Guys shut up!" Lara whisper yelled.
"You'll wake them up if you keep it up!" I heard Hazel yell. What were they up to?
"Hold ok I almost have the perfect picture." Avi stated. What could they possibly be taking a picture of. Then it hit me. They were taking a picture of us. I didn't kind it though I would most likely have Avi send it to me later.
"What are you guys going here?" Rose tiredly asked.
"We have exciting news." Malina explained.
"Louis you get to come home tomorrow!" Dylan announced. I was thrilled. I was so sick and tired of being cooped up in a hospital room all day. I felt bad that Rose was stuck in here with me.
"Why don't we all celebrate with cake and ice cream?" Rose asked.
"Trust me we came prepared!" Lara stared as she pulled out cake and ice cream. I was definitely getting a sugar high tonight!

This chapter messed with my head. But umm yea gotcha. Y'all thought I was really going to kill him this early in the book. How could I be so cruel? Anyway it's about 10:00 here and I'm exhausted so goodnight!! <3

✰ ❁ the one that i want ❁ ✰ l.hynes COMPLETEजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें