Chapter One

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Rose's p.o.v
"Heads up!" Malina screamed as she jumped into the pool.
"Jesus Malina you're going to kill your self." Avi said laughing before jumping in herself.

While they were swimming, I was tanning on the side of the pool. It was a good day. We had 2000s hits playing through the speaker as we were having the time of our lives. We had a little over a month left of summer and we wanted to make it the best summer of our lives. I was dreading schoo- my thoughts were interrupted by Lara.

"Ro, why invite us over for a girls swimming day if you're not even getting wet? You haven't even noticed Hazel isn't down here!"

"Where did she go?" I asked.

"Look behind you!" I heard Hazel say. I turned around and before I knew it I had been covered in ice cold water. All 4 of the girls were beaming with laughter while I was raging with anger.

"You are so going to pay for this!" I screamed chasing Hazel into the pool.

"Can we invite the boys over?" Avi asked.

"I don't see why not. Let me go call Louis." I said getting out of the pool. I walked over to my phone sitting on the outdoor bar and dialed Louis number.

"Hey Lou, do you and Dyl want to come swimming at my place?" I asked the curly haired boy.

"One sec." Louis said into the phone.
Wow. I felt weird hearing his voice but I'm not sure what it was. It was a good weird but it wa-

"Dyl do you want to go swimming at Ro's place?" My thoughts were cut off once again.

"Are they coming?" Malina screamed over the music that I had turned up to drown out my thoughts of Louis. I wanted to forget that feeling I had when I heard his voice.

"We're coming, we'll be there in 20 minutes?" Louis spoke.

"Yeah, that works Lou. See you in a little bit!" I hung up the phone and sat back down at the pool.

"Yes they're coming! They'll be here in 20 minutes!" I said answering Malina's question. I put the feeling I had of Louis behind me and had fun with my girls until the boys got here. I was talking with Hazel when I heard Lara yell

"God look who's here." She yelled sarcastically.

I turned around seeing Louis and Dylan. Louis saw me and smiled I stood frozen there was something about that smile that got me. I knew what it was that I was feeling. By the time I snapped out of my thoughts I was blushing and Lara, Avi, Malina and Hazel we're staring and giving me a questioning stare. I got out of the pool and walked up to the two boys.

"Hey guys." I said to them feeling very nervous all of a sudden.

"Hey Ro, can you come help me blow up this float?" Malina asks me giving me "the look"

"Yes Malina be right there!" I said feeling nervous for what she was going to say.

"I saw the way you were looking at Louis." Malina whispered fearing someone would hear which I was thankful for.

"What do you mean Mal?" I asked acting innocent, though I knew what she was talking about.

"As soon as he walked in here you tensed up and started blushing. Is there something you're not telling us?" She sounded worried that I was hiding something from her.

"Mal I'm okay, really. Can we talk about this tonight when all of us girls can talk?" I asked pleading that she will drop it.

"Okay but trust me whatever you're hiding I will get it out of you." She said sounding more serious than I've heard her sound in a while. I walked away and asked if anyone wanted a drink. Right when the words left my mouth everybody was screaming at me. I was so overwhelmed and I think Louis noticed.

"Ro, do you want help getting the drinks?" Louis asked.

"Yeah, that would be nice! Thank you Lou!" I wanted to spend time with him and figure out if what I thought I was feeling was true. We walked into the kitchen grabbing the drinks.

"What do you want to drink Ro?" Louis asked me.

"I'll take a peach iced tea please" I stated trying not to sound nervous.

"Heads up!" Louis yelled throwing my tea at me. Once we grabbed all of the drinks we went back outside and gave them to everyone.

"Hey guys, in a little bit want to go in and play Mario Kart?" Dylan asked.

"YESS!" Everybody screamed making me jump up.

"Jesus Christ can y'all quiet down a bit?" I asked in a joking voice. We swam for a half hour more and then we went to play Mario Kart. All of my thoughts were gone and I was just having fun being surrounded by the people I love. It started getting late so the boys went home and the girls and I started getting around to lay down and talk. I had changed into my pajamas which was just an old tank top and running shorts. Once all of us had changed they starting bombarding me with questions. I answered Hazel's first.

"Why were you blushing when Louis walked in?" She asked somewhat loudly. I was deciding wether or not I wanted to lie. I just decided a little white lie couldn't hurt anybody right?

"I must've been getting sunburnt." I lied. I knew that wasn't the truth and I felt guilty but I couldn't let them know I liked Louis. I know they're going to find out eventually but I don't want them to find out tonight. Besides nothing will come out of this anyway it's just a crush.

"Do you have a crush on my brother?" Lara screamed, startling me.

I didn't quite know what to say so I just said
"I don't know." I knew I shouldn't have said that because all of them gasped and started screaming more questions at me. I was internally face palming myself for answering with that.

"What do you mean you don't know?" Avi anxiously asked.

"I mean that I don't know how I feel." I knew exactly how I felt but I wasn't going to let them know that.

"Ro you need to figure out how you feel!" Malina said.

"Okay I will, can we go live or do something other than talking about my love life?" I asked.

"Let's go live on your account Ro!"
Malina says!
Start live stream
Yes No
I pressed yes and the live stream started.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter! If you notice any grammatical mistakes or anything like that please let me know! I'm going to try and get chapter 2 out tonight! If you have any questions feel free to comment them! ♥️

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