My insecurities

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I dont understand you
What are you gonna lose?
You tell me youre good
But is your act that good?

I am a bad kid
But I don't smoke weed
I am just lazy
Well maybe that's the hitch

Just find another daughter
The perfect perfectionist one
I wanted to be a doctor
But science doesn't think I'm fun

I will do what I'm good at
But you're asking me for more
I'm tired of running laps by laps
While I have no idea what is it for

We have the same goals
Which is to travel around the world
I'm too young and you're too old
If we can do it together it means the world

Just send me to cadets!
I don't wanna cook
I've got young men blood!
But I'm not crooked

You think I want this?
I never ask to be born like this
They're laughing at my walk style
I can never rock the tiles!

This life is killing people like me
I'm living with insecurities
Everytime I walk at the city
I'd be thinking of how people think of me!

Do you know what's it like to feel this way?
No you don't
Because you don't care
Your life is fair

Mine is complicating

Mind is wondering
Why am I like this
I'm weird
It's just I don't have beard

If I do, God only knows
But maybe this is to keep me low
Stay humble, no proud
Play bubble, no shout

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