So long sifu, To hell you fools

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No one see you like I do
They don't get fit with you
I know how you are
They think too far

I can't believe this is the end
I thought you were just fine
They ask you to get up
But I can see you've given up

They may hate you for your attitude
But I can understand human like you
Sometimes we gotta wear someone else's shoes
Only that we'd be more wiseful

I don't get it why they did that
But I know that inside you're dead
You have no intend to continue
You think everyone's just a loser to you

They can't do work like you do
They only know how to kick you
When you defend, they shut you
Stay strong mate, I hate them too

I know that you're slowly improving
But sometimes things just get harder
To me you're a valuable thing
That only few people can cross your boarder

Honestly I'm really scared
I can't do what you've done
I hope that it would be fair
Cause I know what you've been through

Maybe I overthink too much
I'm the knife that can be touched
You can motivate me anytime
But make sure you've made up your mind

... Ready for the fools part...

I'm sorry but I just hate them
They are like sharks eating the hands
Deceiving the smaller creatures
They're hiding so many dissatisfaction

Pushing us to talk from heart
But they don't even let it out
They wonder why we're like this
While I'm wondering why they're acting like kids

I've told everyone that I really hate it
When someone hurts my friends
I would treat them like shit
Or step on them like sand

Don't question why I'm changing
It's just the mask that falls
I would respect them if they don't mislead
The thing is that they don't even feel wrong

Everything is wrong
Dont get me wrong
But they don't really strong

She isn't cheap like dong
We aren't straight like dingdong
You aren't good like song
You only know how to knock the gong

Social media is your God
That is where you share your thoughts
So what's use of post mortem
When you only talk in the bottom

We lie to you about some things
But you lie to us about everything
They're so many things you're hiding
I'm done waiting for stupid things

You scolded her like lion shouts to lamb
And you gave her second chance
When she's improved, you didn't give her the crown
What else do you want?

You followed your emotion
You rejected the heaven
You created the hell
And here I am asking what the hell?

You talk big
Tell us everyone's leading
But behind us you talk shit
When I ask you say its nothing

I really love your perfume
The smell's good that it hides your stingy heart
You say to me dont just assume
It seems like you smell your own fart

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