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The truth has revealed
The mask has fallen
Eventhough you look clingy
But your act makes me burn

I gave you warning
It seems like you dont listen
You really wanna play shitty?
Yeah come on its my turn

I knew you cant be the one
That I will trust hundred one
Thank God I did not tell
Everything from my shell

What you said to other batch
I just cant accept
I thought you were so fair
But reality doesn't care

Dont question where did I hear
I just want answer
If you really meant what you said to us
You wont be bother talking behind us

You only examined one or nine
So dont dare to criticize
You want us to respect you
While you dont do the same for us too

We can't run from making mistakes
For it as a lesson of special case
But dont you dare run away from your own mistakes
Pretend you forgot or so much the haze

I will never say it if you dont ask
But words I put on socmed could hit you so fast
If it doesn't hit you then it might hit anyone else
They care for what they do but you dont get the sign

Our batch might be so pampered
Atleast that's what you and your friends think
I just want you to know that we have never
Get so clingy with anybody

What you dont know is that
We curse much more than you do
We act guys way more than you do
We care much less than you do

You play care so why can't us?
But when we play care too you say we're a curse
Who started this cringe?
Is that us or just me?

Okay maybe it's just a misunderstanding
Maybe you didn't mean anything
But what's up with your own problem?
Can't you just stop asking advice from millions?

We will remember when you came to visit
You got problem with that one only
You asked the others to wait a minute
But end up you made them wait for nothing

Then you tell the others about your thing
Dont you know that that one hates it?
You said to us you're good in listening
But I guess you're no good in keeping

Your reasons are so stupid
You wanted hide from her
You hide at the darkest kit
You didn't spend time with us

My friend said you are so 'professional'
She respected you but now she doesnt
If you only came to hide
Then you dont need to tell us that youre coming right?

How can we treat you so good if you're full of excuses?
Your worst worries isn't our policy of first
You're scared too much till you forget the others
Maybe you're more to selfish rather than a faker

Do you get what exactly I mean?
Maybe you only get half of it
I dont care if you hate my difference
Cause I already gave you the warning in the previous poem

Oh you already forget?
Well thats alright
You want me to recall?
Ok here is the pieces, but not all

"I can accept if you dont like me
I am glad if you treat me nicely
But dont judge my friends cause you dont know them personally 
You ignore them once i will hate you for centuries"

Now you know why she doesn't want to be friends anymore
You're like Dori and she's a Nemo
You are nice and ignorance
You forget the important information

I might be a rebel in different way
Im such a coward that I cant make my mouth play
But at least my words can make you understand
Now Im not sure if you can stand

Sorry if you think this is all bullshit
Maybe you have the better explanation
I dont understand you so please make me
Otherwise bye see you in the sinnest heaven

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