Put an End

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I think this is it, the dark chapter's done.
It isn't really, but let me cool off for a while.
No drama is around.
I think I'm cool for now.

I don't know why are you still here, are you enjoying my stories?
You enjoy seeing me ranting, or you're just digging my failings?

I don't even care, but just gonna let you know that,

when something falls, you take it back.
when someone falls, you help them get back up.
But if they pull your hand, trying to make you fall,

I want you to be strong,
hold their hands tight, strengthen your bones.
None of this is right, but what else could be not wrong?

You fight, you survive, all at the same time.
When you find a chance, grab it.
Do all you can, in your own possible way.

Their face;
you throw the sand onto,
you scratch,
you get violent on

or you can be nice;
you just fall,
or act like it,
you tell them,
only if they wanna hear it

Whatever it is, you must grow
Take everything steady and slow

You may get mad, you may be ranting
But you learn, you don't be the burden
You've had beef, but then you forgive

That's what life is
It slapped then it pat
It's cruel
It's confusing
But it's true

Im still alive
I hope you will too
Life is hard
But live isnt
So just live


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