Free me

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Can anybody free me?
Im stuck in this hapis
My life is now a mess
I cant face the rest

Its not like I dont tell
Ive already gave the sign
I can never break my shell
That is why I look fine

Time is running fast
Nobody gets what I ask
Yet they give me task
But I will stay with my trust

Im no good in balancing
I've said for million times
Dont question me why Im changing
Because I cant always be the spine

I admit Im here because of snug
I was fooled with the most stupid luck
As I travel to other dorms I get remorse
I realize I cant stand being remote

Compare to then now I passive
I dont hate you but I feel guilty
Maybe I care for people too much
That prevents me from being genial

Im not a good roomate
But I can be your good mate
If my act makes you burn
You can always ignore my existence

This is not what I ask for
Im too far from the main punkto
When I come back dont treat me so bad
We are friends why cant you get that?

That is why main point became time waste
I dont go back to see your cussed face
Your attitude will drive me insane
Im sorry but I've gave up on your game

I dont know for how long am i gonna stay
I believe there is good in someway
When she said dont leave me
There's a lot of mixed feelings

She is so nice and positive
She respects every decision Im gonna create
I cant leave her alone
But for how long?

She also stands because of someone
But that someone never appreciate her
Only God knows how bad I wanna free her
But both are stucked in the same corner

I got no strong reason to tie off
So I guess I gotta be honest about what I've lost
Weither they like it or they dont
I am serious about running into the safe zone

After the talk I hope things go well
I'm living in the same room with the highest chair
I know you're regret that you pick me
I can't make you happy and I'm so sorry

I hope there won't be awkward situation after this
I only express what I feel it is not a big deal
Probably the impact would drive us crazy
Well what else can we do if I'm the one who wanna cease?

I would say hey I wanna quit
But that is too harsh so I'll make a twist
Apart from that I wanna make it quick
Cause I don't wanna see your sad face that I'm weak

I can never imagine I run a building
I thought it would be fine but Im not ready
Im sure I can't give hundred commitment
So why keep hanging on my absence?

I dont respond in the duty group
Its because I dont feel like I want to
Please get me and Im so sorry
I probably disappoint you more than anybody

Stop hoping so much on me
I can never be the organisation's bee
Now you can put all bad perceptions
Because  I dont deserve the compliments

My heart is not in here anymore
Im not your good empregado
Maybe I only love people that used to live here
Other than that are only tears and fear

One more thing before I leave
Dont say our batch is rubbish
They are not stubborn
They are just being relevant

If you cant accept their confident level
You gotta accept when I say you're overshadowing
For how long you're gonna achieve positive level
If you still can't change your bad thinking

Dont play senior with me
I become a fake person when I talk to you
The title doesn't even define the respect degree
If I wanna be rude I don't need to ask you

If you really want me to stay I need reasonable reasons
I want to be happy beside living in my own prison
If you give me cliche words like this is the beginning
I can shut you up by saying the phrase is already ruined

Not to lie its hard to leave just like that
I'm gonna face a really hard friendship test
This is the moment of who are your true friends
If they love you they'll never let you feel hang

If I get to leave I cant guarantee my future
But there is one thing that I know for sure
I can only focus to one main goals
I won't be focusing on the thing that I don't wanna go

Thank you for all the good times
I am so grateful to get known with all of you that you're kind
I will always remember the moment when we laugh
Forget bout the fight that is just another half

I don't love you the building
I am so sorry for saying
You've been so protective
It wouldn't be different when I leave

I know I'm a troubling kid
The mischievous one the churlish
I'm a type of student that hard to lead
So I better walk off before I do some other shits

The moment I publish this one person will know
It is you the ex but I want you to keep it low
Please don't tell anybody I beg you so damn
Cause when the time comes I will show them in the end

Goodluck fellows this is your time
You can make a better future and you can shine
I will keep on supporting but I  follow your rhyme
If you don't want me to then that's fine

Hope it is a good bye instead of bad bye
I will try to hi if I see you pass by
Again if you dont want me to thats alright
Its not like when we don't talk I would die

Don't blame me if I cant make it some day
It is you that want me to stay
You push a money person so you gotta face the pay
If Im a food person so you gotta replace the tray

hapis(Turk) =prison
punkto(Lith) =point
empregado(Por) =employee

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