" My goodness! I don't have a clue as to what the hell just happened! I mean, have you ever seen a crab do something like that before?" he stated, obviously a little freaked out.

" If that thing even is a crab or any type of animal that is discovered for that matter," Hubert said looking overly tired. You wanted to ask him how and where he found it but decided to do that in the morning since he looked about ready to just pass out where he stood. It must be tiring going out in that suit for a couple of hours.

You all said goodnight to each other and made your way to your rooms. You slid back inside your room, closing the door quietly again. You had no idea what time it was, nor did you really wanna know. you slowly changed back into your sleeping gear, made sure your alarm was set for the right time, and switched off the lights, crawling into bed.

You laid your head down on your pillow but did not close your eyes yet. Yes, you were tired, but you were also excited to see what this creature was and what it could do. Was is a type of sea spider or something that has not been seen ever before? You guessed that you would find out soon enough.

So with that in your head, you closed your eyes and waited for sleep to drag you into its clutches. For a long while, you just laid there with your eyes closed, thinking about the new find. However you eventually felt the grasp of sleep creeping its way Into your eyes, and finally, you fell asleep. dreaming of swimming through the ocean outside of the base. You didn't have any gear on, but you were breathing just fine. you approached a little cave of the sea floor and saw inside a little pale sea spider-like creature.

_ _

The blaring sound of your alarm snapped you out of your dream world and back into reality. You sleepily rubbed your tired eyes and yawned. Then your breath froze in your throat and you quickly leaped out of your bed to change into your lab gear, and to get ready for the day. Today was the day that you would be working with and studying the new creature!

you ran a brush through your hair to get the snarls out of it before slipping on your lab attire and Heading out of the door. You were excited to get to work, but you wanted to get some breakfast first to start your day. You walked into the cafeteria to find it empty. everyone else was still asleep, the only people who were awake at the moment were you and Robert.

You quickly ate a small bowl of cereal before heading out into the hall and toward the main lab. you fast walked down the hall, trying to get there as quickly as possible. You finally made it to the lab, entering through the door to find... literally everyone there. You stopped for a second, not really expecting to have seen anybody but Robert and maybe Maria before noon.

they were all crowded around the new specimens tank, but you couldn't see what because their backs were blocking your view. you walked around them to stand on the other side of the tank. you said good morning to all of them, to which only Paul Jack and Hubert replied with another " good morning."

Robert had a clipboard and papers in his hands, looking down on whatever it was saying with a scowl. Maria looked over his shoulder at the papers, neither of them acknowledging you for a moment. You walked over to stand next to Hubert who smiled down at you with a warm grin.

" How'd you sleep Y/N?." he asked politely. Reaching out to gently rub your shoulder.

" I slept ok, what about you?" you replied looking up at him. He gave a thumbs up in return and opened his mouth to say something else but before he could utter a sound Robert spoke.

"Y/N I need to go over with you what we will be doing today." You looked over at him for a second and then back up at Hubert. He gave you a lopsided smile and moved over so that you could go stand next to Robert. Maria moved away as you did and you were glad she did, you didn't need her scathing gaze over you as you spoke with Robert.

You went over with Robert what he wanted you to do with the new specimen over the course of the next few days. It included what he wanted you to look at and what he wanted you to do to see how it reacted. Which brought a question out of your lips.

" did you find out anything new about it? You asked. He paused for a second, but by the look he had, it was not to decide what to tell you and what not to tell you, but how to describe it. After a moment he opened his mouth again and spoke.

" I don't know quite how to describe it Y/N, The best thing I can come up with at the moment is that it... adapts." You tilted your head in confusion at his words, not quite getting what he meant. He blew out a puff of air before continuing to speak.

" I haven't learned too much but, it seems that it quickly adapts to wherever it is, For instance, I came in this morning and it had a new feature that it didn't have last night." you widened your eyes at his words. A new feature? What did he mean by that?

" Like what?" you asked

" It had hooks on its legs Y/N. Hooks specifically designed to help it climb glass."

" what!" you exclaimed, quickly turning around to look back into the tank. It was true, the creature had these little black hooks on the ends of its legs that it was using to climb the glass of its tank. It didn't have those last night, you knew that it didn't.

You now know why Robert wanted you to go through what he told you to go through with it. He wanted to see if it would form anything else new. You stared down at the little creature in amazement. This was going to be an amazing specimen to learn from! You walked over to the edge of the tank to peer down at it. It stared up at you with its little round black eyes, and even though it didn't have any way to show emotion through its eyes, you could tell how it was feeling.

How he was feeling.

You didn't know how you could tell that it was a male, it was almost like it was telling you with its eyes

" What are we going to call him?" you asked the others. You heard Maria scoff behind you and you turned back to look at her.

" You don't even know if it's male yet Y/N." You gave her a fierce glare in return, you were almost at your patients end with her.

" I just know," you replied back, still giving her the glare.

" Pfft, that's not very professional," she replied squinting her eyes at you. You gave her a harder glare in return and looked back over to Robert who looked up from the paper's he was looking at.

" Hubert found him, so he can name him," Robert replied before looking back down at his papers. at that, you turned back to look at Hubert. wanting to know what he would name the little creature. He looked lost in thought for a second before grinning and turning his head to look over at you.

" you go ahead Y/N, you'll do a better at naming him than I will."

You couldn't believe what he just said. You were absolutely ecstatic now! you looked down at the little creature again, thinking on what to name him. He was on the side of the terrarium, looking at you still. After a minute you smiled and looked back up at everyone.

" Hoolan," you said. Jack and Paul chuckled a little while Maria scoffed. Robert started to walk off to a different part of the lab and Hubert just smiled down at you.

" what made you come up with that name?" he asked.

" I dunno." you replied " It just sounds fitting for him, plus it's a funky sounding name for a funky looking dude." he laughed at your reply until you heard Robert shouting at everyone to get to work. As everyone walked off you leaned back down to you could look into Hoolan's eyes.

" Hello Hoolan, My name is Y/N, I promise to treat you with all the care and respect you deserve." you smiled at him " I hope you and I can be really good friends.

Abyssal Attractions ( Yandere creature x reader)Where stories live. Discover now