" I said, what was your assignment," he said again, although this time, a little tested for patience.

"to give you the report on this type of fish we discovered sir," you said, in all honesty, you just wanted to go and have dinner with your friends and then go to bed, it's been quite a day for you and Robert wasn't helping, he never did.

" Precisely miss Y/N." He started " Just a report, if I was wanting you to give me a presentation, then I would have called everyone to the meeting room so everyone could play show and tell,"

You mentally Rolled your eyes, you really did not like Robert.

" and you have given' me the report so I suggest you go to the cafeteria, get dinner and then go to bed instead of wasting my time in here, I am a very busy man, and if you cannot respect that then I will find someone else more professional to do your job, have I made myself clear?"

Dear lord you really hated this man. you couldn't help but feel rage build up inside of you, but you had to keep your cool, you knew Robert could very well go through with what he just threatened to do.

" Yes sir, very clear." you just barely managed to keep the anger out of your voice.

" Good, now off with you." he sat back in his chair and continued to read through the report, you took that as your chance and immediately stormed out of the lab. Why was that man so darned stuck up? the world may never know, some mysteries just go on unsolved now don't they?

You made it down the hall again but this time turning to where the cafeteria was. As you walked you mumbled under your breath about all the things you wanted to say to Roberts arrogant face. You entered the cafeteria only to find it empty except for one other person. And guess freaking what, it was the other flipping person you did not get along with. you really were just having a day.

Maybe I should just skip dinner and just go to bed you thought to yourself

Maria looked up from the food she was eating and scowled at you. It actually kind of sucked really, you were hoping to get along with the only other female down here, but I guess that things don't always go as planned. And the thing is that you never did anything to her, it was just like everything you did offended her, no matter what. Maybe it was the fact that you were only nineteen.

Maria was about medium sized with shoulder length brown hair with sausage rolls on the ends. She had hazel eyes that only ever seemed to be filled with disgust. She had on the usual lab coat with a light blue shirt underneath, bright pink leggings, and white slippers go with the rest of her attire.

You quietly sighed before going around to the food counter to make yourself some dinner.

" Sooo." you started up slowly, you could just feel the eye roll Maria was giving you. " where is everyone else?" you said as you turned around to her as you waited for your food to heat up. She wiped her lips on a napkin before glaring up at you. Gosh, you were on a roll on pissing people off today, it was like your existence just offended them, whatever, that was a fault in their stars.

" if you must know they are in the meeting room, I would have thought you could have figured that out by yourself, and don't you know its poor etiquette to talk to someone while they are eating."

You widened your eyes and slowly turned around back to your food, muttering a small apology, she just scoffed at your back and continued eating her meal. You were not going to deal with this while you ate, you have already had it with Robert, you were not going to take Maria's crap too.

Once your dinner was heated enough you grabbed it and walked out of the cafeteria to the meeting hall. As you entered you looked around and saw Jack, Hubert, and Paul sitting around the main table with a whole bunch of papers and dice. Oh goodness, they were playing Dungeons and Dragons again.

The meeting room had two layers to it, it really only was a step down to another smaller area, there were just relaxing couches everywhere and a Television depicting the wildlife outside of the lab on one of the walls. You sat down next to Hubert and started to eat while they roleplayed their characters. From the midst of it, you knew that Jack was the dungeon master, Paul was some type of warrior and Hubert was some kind of sneaky dude, If you remembered correctly they were called rouges.

Hubert was a guy about age twenty-four with a sorta pale skin tone, short, Black spiky hair sat atop his head and he had the darkest colored eye's you had ever seen. They were such a dark brown that it did not look like he had any pupils. Jack was about Thirty years old, he was Mexican, he had an umber brown skin tone with the dark brown eyes, he also had a little mustache going on too. Paul was sixty-five with a red face and white hair. he was always happy though, so you really liked him.

Hubert looked up at you and smiled, you smiled back.

" bad day huh?"

" Hmmm, how'd you tell?"

" You have the look on your face." he winked at you and turned back toward his papers while jack laughed a little and shook his head unknowingly at you. Paul chuckled at himself, the wrinkles on his face becoming more prominent as he did. These were your friends, the way to counter Robert's and Maria's harsh words. You were really glad they were the ones that came down with you. You probably wouldn't survive if you just had to deal with a whole bunch of Robert's and Maria's

" you know you should play with us." Paul said from across the table and jack and Hubert nodded in agreement. you continued chewing your pasta for a second before you swallowed and answered them.

" Nah I have just as much fun watching you guys play." you smiled and winked back at Hubert before continuing to eat. Hubert chuckled at you before going back to the game. It was fun to watch them, it really was, watching Jack throw all sorts of monsters at them and Hubert and Paul trying to counter them with dice rolls. You especially loved it when Hubert would roll a one and fumble because then he would swear like he just stubbed his pinky toe on the corner of the coffee table, and it happened a lot.

You smiled, even though you still had to deal with Maria and Robert, at least you had these three, they were your friends, and with them there with you, everything would be alright.

Abyssal Attractions ( Yandere creature x reader)Where stories live. Discover now