Chapter 14 - Second 'Date'

Start from the beginning

Before I could think any further.  I was the one being dragged down the stairs and I had to run to keep up with Rachelle while we headed down the sidewalk.  It was then I noticed we ran straight past my car.  I almost missed it being so dark... in the dark.

"We could take my car!" I exclaimed.  "You look cold."

Yeah... She was wearing a pink dress to her knees with small ruffles for sleeves and the trademark leather boots. Again, she did the expected and refused to get in my car and insisted we run all the way to her house.  I wasn't a bit surprised and tagged along for her little marathon.  It must have been fifteen minutes, or at least it felt that long, and I was sweating like crazy when we finally reached a hill and a little house on top of it, well not little.  A two story mansion more like.

It was big and had seven windows on the front view alone with old-fashioned shutters, cream white paint, and a black walnut door with stained glass windows.  There were a few trees in the front yard and shrubbery lined the walk way leading to the front porch and stairs.  I was impressed, and panting.

"You should have warned me," I panted, she finally releasing my hand tugging on hers.  I doubled over and placed my elbow on my knees, taking a few deep breaths.

"Aw, you're out of shape, Mickey D!" She teased and I grunted at her, giving her a mild glare.  I frowned when I saw that she was barely breathing hard and was smiling widely, hands on her hips like she'd never walked ten feet.

"Shoulda warned me we were running a marathon."

"That's one thing you taught us in class, no exaggerating!" She scolded playfully.  I rolled my eyes but couldn't help the smile that crossed my lips.  "Come on!" She exclaimed, dragging me into her house before I could have any say so.

Let me just say, the inside is much more extraordinary than the outside. Rich, polished wooden floors, cream white walls with crimson and coffee brown border and trim, a large round table and chairs in the dining room, nice throw rug in the den, and huge book shelves filled to the brim.  And by the back was a large grand piano shiny and black, next to a large harp with light coloured wood polished to perfection.

"Wow," I muttered.

Rachelle giggled like a little girl.  "You haven't even seen upstairs, come on!"

And I was dragged up the grand staircase that had traditional red carpet up the center.  There was a long hallway with two doors on the right and two on the left, with one in the center.  She lead me to the left to the door on the left side of the hall way.

I almost choked when we entered.  I expected more elegant graceful features when I was stunned with rich cream walls and black border with crimson flowers, one wall of which was packed full with shelves, two large screen monitors, electronic equipment, speakers, amplifier, game consoles, and video games filled to the brim.  The other side of the wall was a daybed and two lounge chairs, easily seating six people.  It was a gamer's heaven.  And my jaw was touching the floor.

 "Don't have a nosebleed on me," Rachelle said.  I snapped out of my shock enough to watch her walk over to the playstation 3 and grab some random games off the shelf. "So what do you wanna play?"

"You serious?" I ask.

She smirks rather loudly, probably to mock me and gives me a 'very serious' look.  "Dead serious.  So what'll be?  We have Call of Duty 4, Halo 2 and 3, Killjoy, Team Fortress, Naruto..."

She continued rambling on and picking up more video and PC games when I picked up one from the stack.  "Which one do you like?" I ask her.

She looks at me with narrowed eyes and shrugs.  "Fun, colourful games.  How about that new Naruto game? I don't know the name... it's on the Wii."

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