I Had A Dream About You

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You woke up with a start, looking around your room. You looked at the clock and it was 3 am. You had just had the strangest dream, or the best. One of those.

You were pushed against the wall by Roger, your arms above your head and his lips on your neck. His hand was trailing under your dress, and his leg was between yours. His blonde hair was wild and you wanted to run your hands through it, but you couldn't. Something was stopping you, and all you could do was be at his mercy as he all but ravished you.

You pulled your blanket up to your chest, feeling extremely exposed and conscious even though you were alone.

Your dream felt real and amazing. You'd wanted to kiss Roger forever and the one time you did, it was your brain fucking with you. How typical. You lied back down, your head hitting the pillow with a thud and looked up at the ceiling. Your brunch with Roger today had been perfect and your realization had been even more epic but heartbreaking. But it also made so much sense. You and him got along so well, and if it were up to you, you could spend every second of your day with him. On top of that, he was so attractive

No wonder you'd had that dream. You crawled back into a comfortable position, trying to sleep again and removing the image of Roger kissing you from your head.

The next morning was another song recording and you made your way to the studio, bringing two cups of coffee, one for you and one for Roger. You pushed open the door with your hip and they'd already started recording when you came in. You were wearing a black top and a short skirt and you took a seat on the couch, watching them. Roger was at the drums, and he smiled at you when he noticed you were there. It was so good that things were normal between the two of you. Well, as normal as it could get when you had sexual dreams about your best friend.

The memory of your dream made you blush and you sipped your coffee silently, watching them.

"Ten minute break!" Freddie declared after a while and they all came out to see you. You held up Roger's cup of coffee and he smiled, rushing to you.

"Oh my god, you are amazing" Roger said, taking it from you.

"What do I gotta do to get her to bring me some as well?" Brian asked, looking between the two of you. You saw Freddie and Roger smile at each other and you said "Well, I owed him anyway"

"Uh, huh. Bullshit. I thought you didn't have any favourites" Brian said to you.

"Well, we all know Roger's been her favourite since the start even though they fight like children" John added.

"Shut up" You said "I'll bring you guys coffee next time, stop whining"

"I'm very hurt" Brian said, putting a hand over his heart and went out with Deaky to get his own.

Roger sat on the couch next to you, his arm resting behind your head and drank it.

"Thank you" He said again, leaning his head back on the couch. Freddie came and sat in between the two of you and you felt like hitting him.

"So, have you two resolved your issues?" He asked and you groaned, rolling your eyes.

"Why is it everybody's business?" You said and Roger nodded, agreeing.

"I need to get a smoke" Roger said and got up, leaving you and Freddie alone.

"Freddie" You said as soon as Roger left and he turned to you, laughing.

"You've been dying to tell me something, havent you? I could see it since you walked in, now spit it out" He grinned.

"I had a dream about Roger" You blurted out, getting straight to the point "And we were...making out and stuff"

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