An Asshole That You Kissed

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You were all sat at the dinner table and Brian and Deaky had joined you guys. You were sitting next to Freddie and Roger was opposite you. Brian was laughing at Roger's hair as Mary served you all a part of the turkey. He looked really cute with a braid and you were pretty sure he was the only man who could pull it off.

"I'll do yours too, Brian. Don't worry" You said, digging into your mashed potatoes

"The room looks beautiful, guys" Deaky said and you flashed him a smile.

"When are you guys leaving for the airport?" You asked.

"The morning after Christmas" He replied and you nodded.

"I'm going to miss you guys so much" Mary said.

"Why exactly aren't you coming with us?" Brian asked you and you swallowed your bite before answering him "I'm your lawyer Brian, there's no point in me coming to your press tour. Maybe if you ever toured another country?"

"We'll see if it comes to that" Brian replied, sipping his wine.

"Oh, of course it will darling" Freddie said immediately and you all laughed. You glanced at Roger and he was surprisingly quiet the entire time. He was moving around the meat on his plate between his fork as he listened to all of you. You wondered what was bothering him so much.

"You're uncharacteristically quiet, Rog" You said, smiling and then you realized maybe he didn't want you drawing attention to him. Everyone at the table turned to look at him.

He looked up at you upon being called and said "I'm all right, just enjoyin the food"

You nodded and everyone resumed their conversation and you stared at him, this was so unlike him. He was completely okay an hour ago. He looked up at you, making eye contact and you felt as if he was scrutinizing you. His eyes were focused on yours and the conversation faded away into the background as you stared back at him. Freddie leaned into your ear and whispered "If you two are done undressing each other with your eyes, can you pass me the salt?"

You whipped your head to look at him, possibly in shock because it made Freddie laugh. When you turned back to look at Roger, he was back to staring at his plate. The moment was gone.

The doorbell rang and Mary leapt to her feet to answer it. You turned around on your chair to see who was there before you realised it was your least favourite person.

"Ava!" Mary cried, hugging her and you turned back round to your food and didn't miss the way Roger looked at you.

"Hey, lads! Came to wish you and say goodbye" She said, coming inside, and she took off her beanie and scarf. You hated how cute she looked and you noticed Roger looking at her a certain way too. He got up from his chair and moved around the table to hug her. She squealed when she saw him and jumped in his arms. You went back to eating the turkey on your plate.

"Oh my god, who did your hair?" She asked, holding his shoulders tightly.

"Who do you think?" He replied, a smile on his face as he cocked his head towards you.

You shot Ava a tight smile as she looked at you. She took a seat at the table, next to Roger and Deaky and the rest of the dinner went by in a blur. You avoided talking to her; you didn't want to leave everyone with any unpleasant memories. You talked to Freddie about the album, and Deaky had moved closer to you while Roger was in deep conversation with Ava. You saw them glance in your direction a few times and you felt like you were back in high school. The way Ava would look at you after saying something to Roger, a smile on her face. Maybe they weren't talking about you, but it sure felt like they were.

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