Don't Give Up On Us

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You woke up in your bed in your own trailer. You groaned as you felt your headache hit you and you realized you were under your covers. It felt extremely hot so you sat up in bed and realized you were in your lace underwear. Looking around, you saw that your sequin dress was carefully folded on the dresser, along with your heels. You got out of bed and looked at all the jewelry you were wearing last night laid out, along with the hair accessories. You barely remembered any of last night after Roger ate you out in the bathroom. Somebody probably got you home and took care of all your stuff because in your state, you certainly couldn't have.

"Mary?" You asked, and stepped outside your bedroom.

"Just me" You heard an all too familiar voice and you smiled when you saw Roger in your kitchen, cooking something.

"Rog, when did you get here?" You asked, stepping through your living room and over to the kitchen island.

"Wow, you really don't remember shit, do you?" He asked and you sat on your bar stool, vaguely aware you were just in your lingerie.

"Remind me?" You asked and saw that he was making bacon.

"You passed out in the car, so I got you home. Pretty self-explanatory, don't you think?" He said, turning to look at you.

"I passed out in the car?" You asked and he nodded.

"Quite comically, I might add. We were making out and you were all over me and the next thing I knew, you were unconscious" He said. You didn't remember making out with him in the car. You didn't remember being on top of him in a car, or anything of that sorts. How embarrassing.

"Oh, and I also took off your dress and folded it cause I knew how much you loved it"

"You did that?" You asked.

"You see anybody else in here?" He asked, almost offended and you raised your eyebrows in surprise.

"Explains why I was still wearing a bra when I woke up" You said, sipping your tea. Roger turned to you, his cheeks turning slightly pink and it's as if he's flustered for a second before, he smiles and says "Well, I didn't wanna take it off without you knowin...would have felt a bit weird"

You laugh "I understand, Rog. Thanks for preserving my modesty, makes you quite a gentleman"

He laughed. "Of all the things women have called me, a gentleman has never been one of them"

"Well, you've probably never got this far with one" You joked and he looked at you with an expression you can't recognize. You hoped that didn't offend or upset him.

"I'm sorry- I didn't mean that" You added quickly, realizing that what you said could have been taken in a very offensive way, suggesting that Roger can't settle down with a girl or wasn't capable of a stable relationship.

"It's all right" He says, softly now "You're right. I haven't had a real relationship in forever..." He turns to you, resting his arms on the counter as he leaned over "...but if it's any consolation, I finally understand why it didn't work with anyone else"

"You did?" You asked and you feel as if all your breath has left you at the way he's staring at you. No matter how many times you got close to Roger, you could never get used to the way your heart sped up at his proximity.

"I did" He said and leaned in further to kiss you "They weren't you"

He turned around as fast as he had kissed you and resumed working on his own breakfast. You stared at him, still breathless from what he had said, going over it in your head. You couldn't believe you were here with him while he made you breakfast. You were pretty sure you had never loved anything, or anybody as much as you loved him in the moment. It was terrifying.

Falling Slowly ⤖ Roger Taylor [Completed]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt