A Man Can Dream

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You and Roger were sitting on the couch, cross legged and laughing about something he had said. The embarrassment of falling asleep on him had worn off and you were glad he had come over last night. It was 10 am and a Friday. You had an off from work with Miami and the boys had no gigs or recordings planned. Their album release party was Sunday night and that was all.

"God, I can't believe this is the reason you chose to push me away" Roger said, looking around your tiny home.

"It's a trailer and I hate it. Don't blame me for not wanting to look like a hobo in front of you" You explained, remembering the fight you'd had a few weeks ago.

"Do you really think I care about where you live?" He asked "I've seen you at your absolute worst- I've seen you throwing up your guts, crying after a bad date and now in your ugly ass pajamas-"

"Hey!" You said and shoved him "They're cute"

"Only on you! If you took them off, they would be the ugliest pair of pajamas ever" He said, staring down at them.

"Oh and why the hell would I take them off?" You asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I don't know, a man can dream" He said and you laughed.

"Shut it!" You said and picked up a pillow to throw at him. He caught your wrists, stopping you before you could and toppled you on the couch.

He held your wrists in his hands and you laughed, trying to get out from under him.

"That's like the third time you've tried to hit me in the last twenty four hours. I think we have a problem" He said, holding you down, his blonde hair falling on your face as he held you with his weight. His face was so close to yours and you felt your breath hitch as you looked up at his baby blue eyes.

"Well maybe I just hate you" You said, your voice coming out breathily.

"Oh, do you?" He asked, his voice dropping low.

"Hm" You said, unable to speak much or say anything at how close he was. He was so gorgeous. You two stared at each other in a moment of silence as you looked into his eyes. Your eyes drifted down to his lips and when you looked up at him, he took in a breath and closed the distance, kissing you.

"Roger!" You said and pushed him off "I haven't even brushed my teeth, I probably have really bad morning breath!"

"Then why were you looking at me like that for?" He asked, getting off you.

"Looking at you how?" You asked and lifted yourself off the couch.

"Like you wanted me to kiss you!" He said, frustration on his face.

"Well..." You trailed off. You always looked at him like that but saying that out loud would be outrageous "I'm going to go brush my teeth and wash up. If you want to have breakfast, there's some stuff in the fridge" You got up and headed to your bathroom. You heard him sigh in frustration and you ignored it. He was such a drama queen. You opened up your cabinet, and took out the tube of toothpaste as you heard him rummage through the kitchen.

"Do you have any orange juice?" He asked. You squeezed out some paste onto your brush and lifted it to your mouth.

"Can't you just check?" You said back, through a mouthful of paste. You heard him look around a couple more till the sound stopped. He had probably given up already. You spit out in the sink and when you lifted your face up to look in the mirror, you screamed. Roger was standing behind you. His hands came on your waist, gripping you tightly and he spun you around to face him.

"Get rid of the morning breath now?" He asked and pulled you forward, kissing you.

"Roger-" You started to say but got cut off by his lips on yours. His grip on you was tight as he pressed his body flush against yours. You thought about pushing him away for kissing you without your consent but you let yourself get distracted as he held onto your thighs and lifted you on the bathroom counter.

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