Inevitable What Happens

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"What do you think?" John Reid asked.

You were in Miami's office staring across the table at him, Paul and John Reid as they proposed their idea to you. Queen were set to go on their American tour in a week and you were excited, to say the least. There was a party tonight, and you couldn't even keep track of the reason why, the boys usually always just needed an excuse to party anyways. Freddie had already picked out a dress for you and you had no idea what it was but knowing him, you were sure it would be something scandalous.

You had left Roger's apartment that morning when Miami had started calling him to know your whereabouts. You thought back to when you were on top of him and he'd held you close and said the sentence that pretty much made your heart stop. His thumb brushed your lip slightly, making you part your lips and he slipped his finger inside. Your eyes were wide open, with shock. You stared at Roger as the words slipped so easily out of his mouth. He was looking at you with reverence and adoration in his eyes. You could feel his grip on your waist become tighter and you were clutching onto his shirt.

"Did you say Marry?" You said, your voice barely above a whisper. You couldn't believe what you'd heard. A few moments ago, you were just about ready to give up any hopes on your relationship with Roger. Six months was a long time, especially for a rock star like him and you didn't want to hold on to any false hope, but the way he spoke, with such honesty and genuineness, you couldn't help but believe him. It seemed like a far-off dream.

"Did I?" He said, with an eyebrow raise and you laughed, shoving him back.

"Asshole" You muttered, closing the distance between you to kiss him. The thin straps of your dress had fallen off and that gave Roger plenty of bare skin to touch. His hands roamed your body and he bent down to kiss your neck. He trailed up to your jaw, planting another kiss on your lips.

"I wanna get this dress off" He spoke against your lips, your tears already drying up against your cheek.

"Roger..." You spoke, as he guided his hands to your dress, which was bunched up at your waist now. He lifted up the hem, and started pulling it over your head. This was so wrong, you shouldn't be indulging in him like this, the more intimate you get with him the harder it would be when he left. You could already feel your heart breaking as you imagined the next few months, sitting and waiting for his calls just like you did before, helpless and alone. Worrying all the time about whether he was with another girl or if another girl was on top of him, just like you had been. You could already feel the heartbreak that you knew you would feel in the future. You pulled away from the kiss and before Roger could ask you what was wrong, the phone in his apartment rang, thankfully interrupting you two. Roger had pulled your dress back down and groaned "Seriously? If that's one of the boys, I swear to god"

You got off his lap, much to his disappointment and picked up the phone. It was Paul Prenter and he was furious at you for blowing them off for so long.

"Who is it?" Roger asked as you hung up the call and you told him.

"Paul is such a wanker" Roger sighed and you laughed as you made your way back to the couch.

"Why is that?" You asked.

"He doesn't care about the band or our music, he only pretends to. I think he's got a crush on Freddie" Roger told you and you settled back onto the couch, on top of him.

"Well, he is the one to blame since he's the reason I couldn't tell you I love you before you lads left" You said and Roger's eyes widened.

"You're joking" He muttered and you shook your head, your hands coming back to rest on his bare chest.

Falling Slowly ⤖ Roger Taylor [Completed]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora