Chapter 25

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a/n: No witty song title for this chapter.  Mainly becuase I couldn't find one that fit, but please feel free to give me some suggestions.


After my horribly disturbing dream, I couldn't fall back to sleep. I tried but was plagued with the vision of Renee stabbing everyone to death. Note to self: make sure there were no umbrellas anywhere near the wedding. Tossing and turning, I finally gave up and grabbed my laptop. With my laptop in my lap and pillows piled behind me, I logged into Facebook. I wasn't on more than a minute when my chat popped up.

Emmett McCarty: what up farmer swan

Bella Swan: i am not, nor will i ever be a farmer. you know that.

Emmett McCarty: now, little bo peep, dont be like that. why u up so early

Bella Swan: bad dreams

Emmett McCarty: =( thats no good. hey, i got a xmas present for you! youll get it after the wedding.

Bella Swan: im almost afraid to see what you got me. but ive got your present as well.

Emmett McCarty: woot! luv presents! want to farm with me

Bella Swan: no

And then I logged off. I knew if I stayed on, he'd just harass me to farm, and I would eventually cave. I couldn't have that. I had a strict no-farming policy.

By the time six had rolled around, I was showered and downstairs making breakfast for everyone. Pancakes, eggs, toast, and bacon were waiting when the troops made their way down.

"Bella! You didn't have to make breakfast," Sue commented when she saw the table.

I gave her a smile. "I don't mind. You shouldn't have to cook on your wedding day."

The wedding was the most unconventional that I'd ever seen. There was no separating of the bride and groom the night before, no church, and no big fancy reception. It was going to be a quiet, simple affair. Alice had almost thrown a fit over that, but Sue and Charlie had pointed out that this was a second marriage for both of them, and there was no need for a big fuss.

I found myself in the sitting room of the Cullens' house at two in the afternoon. Leah and I were both wearing light lavender dresses, while Seth was sporting a charcoal gray suit. No tux for him. Or Charlie. The fact that Sue managed to get Charlie into a suit was a miracle to begin with.

Reverend Weber stood at the front of the room, with Charlie and Sue before him. I was standing next to Charlie, and Leah and Seth were next to Sue. I could tell that Leah was less than thrilled to be there, but at least she'd shown up. Behind us were a few rows of chairs seating the guests that they had invited. There were less than thirty people there, and that was exactly the kind of wedding I wanted. Nice and simple.

I teared up a bit when Charlie and Sue exchanged their vows. Sue had wanted them to write their own vows, and I was surprised that Charlie had managed to do it. He even choked up a bit when he was reading them. Finally, they were pronounced husband and wife and shared a very sweet kiss.

"Congrats, Dad and Sue!" I exclaimed, giving them both hugs afterward.

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