Chapter 14

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This evening I saw a photo of Gerard's driving license and I realized the name I chose for the city in this story is the same name that appears in it. I didn't know it. I had never seen that photo before and now I feel weird. Haha, anyway, enjoy the chapter :))



They stood there, looking at each other. Awkward.

–I didn't know you were fighting against him, but I don't think he is an asshole, you know? We chatted and he is nice...

Hannah didn't want to lose Gerard as a friend, she liked his company, but she didn't understand why he was saying those things about Joel.


–He came here and challenged me, yeah, but threatening me. Like, he said he would destroy my career and my life. Sorry but in my world a person like that is called an asshole – he left his cup on the counter behind him and crossed his arms over his chest.

– Joel did that...? – Hannah frowned and looked down. For some reason, she trusted Gerard. She felt like he was saying the truth, even though Joel had done nothing to her.


Hannah drank some coffee.

–I trust you, for some reason... but I have nothing against him. I mean, he hasn't done anything to me and maybe he just said that to make you accept the challenge. He probably doesn't have the influence it takes to destroy somebody's life.

Gerard sighed. He really didn't want to talk about Joel with her. What was he supposed to say anyway?

–I am going to work on your robot for a little more. You can stay if you want – he scratched the back of his head, slightly looking down.

He proceeded to make his way to the other room. Hannah nodded but stayed there, sitting in that chair with he coffee mug between her hands.





Gerard sat down on bed and rubbed his face with both hands. He looked at the alarm clock that was on his nightstand. 6 am. Each day he woke up earlier. The pills hadn't done anything to him. No pill would save him from his nightmares.

He stood up and went to the kitchen. With two hours left to open the shop, he decided to have breakfast and go for a walk. He wanted to see the sunrise. With his coffee in hand, he left the workshop.

Belleville was beautiful at that hour of the day. The light started to bathe every corner of it. Gerard liked that. He enjoyed those moments of loneliness when he could just stare at the rocky mountains and feel the cool air. Alone in the streets, he walked and walked. He left the city behind and, over an hour later, sat down under a tree.

Gerard wondered why he couldn't stop dreaming about Mikey. Maybe because he couldn't stop his...his death. He was so young. Mikey was so young. But he couldn't save him. Their mother had told him to take care of his little brother. He should have died and not Mikey.

–At the end of the world... or the last thing I are never coming home, never coming home... –Gerard mumbled, his lips forming a thin line right after.

He wiped a few tears from his eyes and drank some coffee, but set it aside because it was already cold. The mechanic looked around. He saw flowers, trees... even the dusty road gave the landscape an unique look. The birds singing brought him back to reality.

–Enough is enough! –He said to himself as he stood up and started his way back to his place.


She had woken up early that day. She couldn't stay in bed any longer; she had tried. She asked for breakfast and soon a waiter appeared with a lot of fruit. She thanked him and then sat down next to the window with a bunch of grapes in her hand. People started to fill the dusted streets of Belleville not longer after she had occupied that place. But there was one figure she recognized even from the distance. Jamia was buying something at the greengrocer's. Her short dark hair and small figure was something her sister would never forget.

Hannah ate another grape. That was her favorite fruit. She followed her sister with her eyes just to see how she waved at someone. Looking closer she recognized Gerard. His green coat and brownish hair visible even from there. Hannah had never seen him outside of his shop except for that day. So he wasn't a vampire or something like that after all.

There was a knock on the door. James popped his head into the room.

–Ready for the makeup session? –he asked.


Hannah just nodded, left her position next to the big window and let the young man guide her. It was Thursday. The next day she would see Gerard and Joel fighting against each other. She had never seen any of them fight with their robots. She didn't know what to expect. Hannah planned to go as an impartial viewer... or at least she'd try to.


The day went slower than Hannah thought it would. Marcus talked to her for like an hour about how she couldn't commit any error the next day because it was one of the greatest shows of the season and blah blah blah. Hours later, she was in her room talking to James. They had been talking about embarrassing old stories.

–I've seen how you look at Maggie –Hannah said, changing her position on the couch.

–I don't know what you're talking about –James replied but blushed a little in the process.

–If you're going to lie, at least make it believable –she smiled.

Maggie was a new assistant Marcus had hired just because. Hannah had seen how James looked at Maggie when they were helping Marcus or whenever they were together in the same room. They matched and that made Hannah happy. There was something good in that soulless building.

–Okay, I admit it, but don't tell her. I don't think she likes me anyway so there's no reason to make it awkward –he replied.


The model frowned. He was a sweet guy and she had seen how Maggie was all clumsy when he was around.

–I think she likes you. I've seen how she acts when you're near –she shrugged.

But James didn't want to talk about it. Hannah thought it was ridiculous. He was only seventeen years old and he had stopped believing in love. Well, working in that place didn't help much either...

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