Chapter 9

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– That's completely unfair. I bought here yesterday and this piece was half the price it is today – Gerard thought that was unbelievable.

– Take it or leave it, but that's the price now – replied the fat mechanic.

Gerard left the piece on the table and left the shop. He was certainly surprised. It had been a week since a “famous” fighter had arrived to town and the robot pieces had increased their value because of the needs of the new customers.

The mechanic opened his shop once again. He looked around and wondered what could he do with all those robot pieces. Then something in his head clicked. He had enough pieces there to build his own robot, and he knew how.
He needed a structure, a body for his new beast. He started collecting all the pieces he could find and that were useful.

The door was opened, making the little bell ring. Gerard looked up from what he had been working on and in the direction of the sound. A man he had never seen before walked in, a cocky smile decorating his face. He was followed by a pair of men that were huge in comparison with the little man.

– You must be Gerard Way – the man spoke.

– I am – replied the mechanic, standing up.

– I'm going to get straight to the point. I want a fight – he said, crossing his arms over his chest.

Gerard raised an eyebrow. What the hell was he talking about? A fight? He didn't even have a robot yet.

– I don't have a robot right now – he shrugged, resting his hands on his hips.

As much as he would love to beat the shit out of that guy, just because of the cocky smile decorating his face, reality was reality, and he did not have a robot.

– An official fight – the guy replied.

Gerard stared right at him. Asking for an official fight was a serious thing. And you had to have enough money to pay, or enough reputation to get paid for one.

– I pay – he finished.

– Why? – Gerard asked.

– Because I know who you are, who you were, and I want to prove that I'm better than you – he concluded.

So he was the “famous” fighter that was altering the peace in Belleville.

A good fight would help his reputation for sure, but a really bad one could ruin him forever.

– I-I... – Gerard opened his mouth but shut it again.

– Listen, I'll give you till tomorrow morning to think about it. But I want an answer, and I hope it is a 'yes' – the three men turned around and left Gerard there.

As soon as they were gone, Gerard plopped down on his chair and tried to analyze the situation.


– I once had a kitty. My sister and I would feed him with milk – Hannah told James.

It was close to midnight, but Hannah didn't care. She had found in that boy the friend she desperately needed.

– I have never had a pet – he replied – you know, money – he smiled, looking down at the floor.

– Why don't you ever look at me when you speak? – Hannah finally asked. It bothered her.

– I'm sorry. Assistants aren't supposed to look at models... – she rolled her eyes.

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