Chapter 6

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– Do I really have to cut my hair? – Hannah asked running a hand through her long brown hair.

– Trust me – the hairdresser, in her opinion annoying, said.

– I don't, that's the problem – She groaned.

In that moment the designer appeared with two dresses in his hands.

– Aren't you finished yet? Come on, then try these two – he left the clothes on a couch that was in the room and disappeared.

Hannah sighed loudly and left her hair fall down her back but stood up.

– You're not touching my hair – the hairdresser protested, but the woman took the clothes and disappeared from the room.


Hannah looked herself in the mirror tilting her head to the right. The dresses were beautiful.

<< At least something is good here>> she thought.

In that moment the designer opened the curtain and looked at her reflection.

– Beautiful – he smiled victoriously.


At first, she'd thought the dresses were beautiful and had looked herself in the mirror, but after trying fifty, she was tired of them. She only wanted to sat down and enjoy her favorite book like she'd do on an usual day.

– After trying this one, you have an hour free, then we'll start with the shoes. I recommend you not to leave the building – the designer, Marcus, said.

She just nodded. She didn't have the intention to leave the building anyway because she knew that, if she left, she wouldn't come back.

She tried on that horrible dress. It was blue but had red and green dots and weirder things.

– Who designs these dresses? – Hannah wondered out loud frowning.

– I do – Marcus said appearing out of nowhere.

She was surprised at first, but relaxed when she saw his smile.


As Marcus had said, after that dress she was “free” for an hour. She took off the dress, put on her clothes and then went straight to her room. At least she had her own room. Apparently Marcus wanted to have her for his own, and didn't want the other designers to see her until the first fashion show.

Her room was next to Marcus designing room.


The man sat down in his usual spot with a cup of coffee in his right hand. Minutes later, he looked back just to stare at Cyprus. He sighed, then turned back again.

Since he had decided to accept all type of clients, he told Frankie to say it wherever he could, so fortunately, he'd have clients soon. And he did have.

Soon, there were some people waiting in his workshop, all of them searching for pieces for their robots.

As much as Gerard didn't want to sell the pieces, he had to; he needed the money.

When he closed the workshop that day, he had enough money to pay one or two bills. That was good, but not enough after all.

Those people that had come in had also asked about Cyprus. They'd asked if Gerard was interested in selling it and more things but he had told them the truth. If he had a robot like that, he probably wouldn't want to sell it.

Frank didn't come that day to the workshop. He was probably with that girl, talking about everything but robots. He couldn't understand how Frank found something interesting in her, but it wasn't his problem after all.

Gerard closed the doors when it was time to and went straight to bed, turning off the lights in his way there.

He stared at the ceiling, wondering what the girl that didn't leave his mind was doing. He hated himself for not been able to forget about her, but he couldn't help but to care.

He closed his eyes and tried to sleep.

Where was Morpheus when he needed him?


Hannah's feet hurt after trying and walking with almost sixty different high heels. She was worried because she didn't know if she'd have to do it everyday. She didn't want to. And mostly, didn't want to break her uncle wearing them. They were too high for a normal person.

She had been reading during her break, and had cheered up a little, but as soon as she had to come back to “work”, her smirk had disappeared from her face.

– Tomorrow you'll work with Diane, she'll try our new makeup on you, don't be late – Marcus warned.

– I won't – Hannah reassured.

Late? Why would she be late if she didn't have anything to do?

After leaving the room, she put on her sunglasses and decided to go for a walk inside the building. It was already getting dark outside, and she didn't trust the streets of Belleville during the night. They weren't safe at all.

She walked around, just enjoying the views of beautiful landscapes pictures. A pair of posh designers passed her and stared while they did. She was about to show them the middle finger, but thought about it and stopped herself. Marcus could get pissed off at her for doing it.

Hannah sighed and, after walking a little more, turned around and made her way back to her room.

She sat down next to the big window and looked outside, letting her mind run away.

Was her sister okay? Had she to just move on and forget about the robots and get a decent job? Had she to forget about her only friend just to “grow up”?

Hannah sighed.

Why couldn't she just have a normal life like other girls in that stupid city?

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