"Rose you need to tell me if you feel worse." She nods and I bring my laptop over to the couch where she is sitting. I put my laptop in my lap and scroll through some documents and fix some information in them.

Denny warns us that we are taking off in a minute and I put my computer away. The plane starts to take off and I put Roses feet in my lap. I start to rub them and she sighs in content. She slowly drifts off while I'm still rubbing her feet. Once she's out I order the flight attendant to get some soup prepared for when she wakes up, in the mean time I go back to my computer and keep a close eye on her. She shifts about thirty minutes later and sits up looking around. She then brings her head to lay on my lap. I smile down at her and rub my fingers through her hair.

"Harry," She croaks out." I lied earlier, I don't feel well."

"It's alright, let's get you some soup. Melinda!" My flight attendant come over to us.

"Yes, Mr.Styles."

"Could you bring me two bowls of that soup, crackers, a sprite, and a water." She nods and replies with a yes Mr.Styles. Shortly she comes back out with what I asked and I give a bowl to Rose and take one for myself.

"You need to eat and drink this. We still have quite awhile till we get there so when your done you could go back to sleep."

"Thank you, I would kiss you but I don't need you sick." I chuckle and pick up a spoon with some of the chicken noodle soup in it. We eat in quietness and when we are done Melinda comes back and picks up out empty bowls.

"You know, I really hate flying. I feel really unsafe and start to panic. But with you I feel safe." I smile and lean over and kiss her forehead to check her temperature.

"Rose, you're burning up." She looks at me and pouts with a sad, tired look in her eyes.

"Let's go to bed, maybe you will feel better when we wake." She nods and we stand up going back to the private room. She changes out of her jeans leaving her in a white t-shirt while I strip to my boxers. She climbs in and I do as well, pulling her back into my front with my arm around her stomach. After ten minutes I notice she still isn't asleep, and this girl can fall asleep in no time, so I know something is for sure wrong.

"I'm so sorry Rose, I shouldn't have brought you along." She flips so she is facing me.

"Don't apologize, I'm sure I'll feel better when we land." I just kiss her forehead in reply. After a little bit we are both out.

I wake up with an hour to spare before we land and scroll through my phone texting the boys about our party Rose is planning. It has been postponed due to an emergency with Liam's family, nothing major he just needed a little bit. Plus, a date wasn't set technically. But next Friday is when it is for sure happening. When we reach the thirty minute mark I wake Rose up.

"Rose, we have thirty minutes left and I don't want the paparazzi taking pictures of my girl with no pants on." She just laughs and stands up, grabbing her pants. "How are you feeling?" I question and she just shrugs pulling up her pants.

We finally land after the long thirty minutes and we make our way out of the plane biding farewell and thanking my flight crew. I hail a taxi to take us to the Wagner hotel. After a short drive we arrive and get out of the cab, I pay him and we enter the lobby. I check in while Rose looks around the luxurious lobby. I get the key to our suite and we step in the elevator taking us up. Once up there we step out and make our way down the hall to the suite. We get in and Rose collapses on the bed making me chuckle.

Styles INC [edited]Where stories live. Discover now